
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What Honor?!

What Use Is Honor Before Men
When One Has No Honor Before God?

Why Do We Lift Up Self So Gleefully
As We Currently Stand
God Shall Say To Us:

Depart Thou From Before Me!?

Why Do We Pretend That We Are So Great
When All That We Are
Is Purveyors Of Hate
Hugging Each Other

Can't We Get Along?!"

When Under Our Breaths
We Are Singing Satan's Song:

This Soul Is Mine!
This Soul Is Mine!
All He Owns Is On My Line!
Forget God And Love Divine!
This Soul Is Mine!?

Why Do We Lie
Pretend To Accommodate
Those For Whom
We Have Contempt
Nigh Unto Hate?

Why Do We Pretend
To Care For The Poor
The Old
The Willful
The Wild And The Woolly
When All We Want From Them
Is The Earth They Stand Upon
- As We Often Say -

Would It Kill Us To Care?
Would It Hurt Us To Share?

Will It Undermine Satan's Plan
For Man To Bless Man?

A Thousand Times:
Let Us, Therefore, Do It
For The Love Of The Living God
While We Still Can!

Let Us Be Kind To Each Other
The Wicked Plans
The Ever-Lying Wasting Fellow
Who Lives To Roar
Turn The Unwary One's Will
Into Plain Old Jello!

In The Name Of The Living God
In The Love And Faith Of Jesus Christ
With The Comfort Of The Holy Spirit
Let Us Be Kind
To Each Other
For Our God
Is Ever Always
Mercifully Kind Toward Us!

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