
Sunday, September 18, 2016

PRAYER: I Wait On You, Dear Lord

Dear Lord,
I Know You Can Hear Me!
You Know I Am My Very Wit's End!
I Am Begging
Lord, Pleading
Will You My Beloved Ones' Hearts Mend?

I Am Praying, Lord
Also For A Lost One
'Tis True
Underneath That Terrible Disguise, Father
Is A Sorrowing One
Sorely Needing A Blessing From You!

I Pray, Lord
For The Congregation
For The Pastor
Who Has Surely Lost His Way
For Those, Lord
Big Into Ostentation
And Showing The World
That You Are Blessing The Ministries 
In Gloriously Boldly Prosperous Ways!

I Am Praying For Your Children
Over The Whole World Wide
Some Living Under Criminal And Brutal Regimes
Some In Fire And Flood
Famine and Drought
Souls Frustrated, Lord
Some Even Willing By There Own Hand To Die!
Lord, These Your Children
Are In Need Of A Spiritually Healing Respite
So, Please Send A Loaf From Heaven's Bakery
So That Their Soul's May Again In You Find Peace And Delight!

I Pray, Too, Lord
For My Own Self
I Am Your Servant
And Ask, Lord:
Am I Honoring You In All Your Stated Ways?
Am I Diligently Performing The Tasks That You Me Gave?
Am I Serving You Out Of Returned Love?
Is My Character Being Perfected
Being Made Suitable
For Translation To The Heavenly Home Above?
Am I Soldiering On True For The Free Salvation?
Is My Life, Lord
Showing Your Steadying Hand Of Grace-Full Influence
Remaking Me In The Fashion Of The Great Prince
The Lord Of Eternal Holy Love?

Lord, Teach Me
Correct Me
Mold Me
Make Me
Guide Me
Guard Me
Lead Me, Lord
Along The King's Straight And Narrow Highway
Help Me, Dear Father
To Be Bold And Humble
Ever Ready To Confess
When - By Indulging Self - I Stumble!

I Give You, Dear Lord
My Head
My Heart
My Hand
My Feet
Unto My Whole Body
My Sorrows
My Cares
For Heaven
My Encompassing Hopes!

I Accept You, Father
As My Lord And My God!
I Turn My Back
On The Machinations Of That Brutal Fraud
Ask You, Lord
For The Endurance Of Mustard Seed Faith
Trusting You To Deliver Me
Unto The Great Reward!
I Wait On You, Dear Lord!
Help Me To Faithfully Wait On You
Nothing Wavering
In Jesus' Holy Name I Plead!

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