
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

PRAYER: When I'm Tempted...

I Come Before You As A Child
Seeking Attention
And Ask You, Lord
To Help Me
When I Recognise
That What I Am Doing Is Sin
Not To Justify My Self
Not To Make Vain Excuse
To Humbly Confess My Transgressions
So That I Don't
- By Also Adding Thereto The Sin Of Presumption -
My Hope For Heaven Lose!

Father, Help Me
When Someone Lovingly Points Out
That I Am Going Wrong
To Accept In Gratitude The Correction
And Not Pretend That I Am Being Wronged!
Please Also Help Me To Recognise
And Appreciate 
That I Am Being Blessed In The Moment
On That Day
By Someone Who
For My Riven Soul Does Care!

And, Father
When I'm Tempted To Do The Wrong
Help Me To Remember
The Words
Explaining Why
From Heaven
Christ Came Down!
Help Me
To Recognise
That My Actions Will Crucify Christ Afresh
And Help Me
The Paths Of Sin
To Relinquish!

Grant Me, Dear Lord
Your Peace And Your Rest
In The Promised Moment
When I Of My Sin
Do Confess And Repent!

Help Me, Dear Lord
Not To Keep To My Self Even The Little Pet Sin
And If I Unwittingly Do
I, Of My Self
Ask You - In Faith
To Be To My Pet Sin
What A Lizard Is To A Stoat
For I Have No Desire
To Give Unto Satan
Anything About Which 
He Against My Lord Christ
May Gloat!

Help Me
To Be Upright And True
In This Fight For Heavenly Light!
Help Me
To Be Cognizant
That Satan Desires My Life To Benight!
Help Me
To Call Unto You
Be It In Sickness
Even When I Am Ashamed
Because You Loved Me Enough
To Be The Accursed For Me
On That Shameful Tree
Where You Died
To Bring Salvation
To All Of Humanity!

I Love You, Lord!
I Thank You For Your Great Sacrifice
And The Blessed Salvation
And The Grace For Each Day
And I Make These, My Petitions
In The Name Of The Beloved Christ!

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