
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Lesson In The Duck!

If We Will Let The Lord Teach Us 
We Will Find Lessons Everwhere!
If We Will Let The Lord Feed Us
We Will Have Good Food
And Some
For Others To Share:

Fear To The Christian
Should Be As Water On A  Duck's Back!
Fear Should Become Prayer
When A Christian Is Under Attack!

Hope For Heaven
Should Render A Christian Beautiful
Like A Duck On A Migratory Wing!
Peace Should Be To A Christian
What Water Is To A Duck Floating!

Love To A Christian
Should Be As Webbed Feet To A Duck
For Love
- Just Like Webbed Feet Even In Dark Water -
Moves The Christian Along Singing 
A Happy-In-Jesus Song!

Living For The Lord Jesus
To A Christian
Should Be As A Duck Catching An Updraft!
The Updraft Gives One Altitude
Raising One Up To The Perfect Flying Path!

Daily Bible ReadingTo A Christian
Should Be As Down And Feathers On A Duck Whole
For Insulation
For Clothing
For Transport From Climes Cold!

The Goodness Of God
In The Voice Of A Christian
Should Be Heard On The Ground
Even As The Voice Of A Duck Is Heard
When He Is Flying High Above The Earthbound!

Every Christian
Though In Transport
In Transport Of Christ's Delight
Should Send A Word
A Blissful Word
To Those Shuttered In By Night!

We Were Once As They Now Are
Hemmed In On Every Side
Someone Sent By The Pitying Jesus
Brought To Our Hearts
A Fair And Comforting Word Of Life!

We Were Then Able To
- By Faith -
Separate Ourselves From The Strife
In Trusting Jesus
Walk Toward His Offered New Life
Propelled By Love Of Him
Who For Us Gave His Own Life
Really Believing
In The Call Of:

New Lives For Old!
New Lives For Old!
Jesus Christ Gave Up His Life
For Your Life To Be Made Anew!
Available Now!
Today! Today!
Get A New Life For Your Life That's Old!

The Head Of The Christ-Centered Christian
Should Be As The Head Of The Duck!
Even Though Its Head Is Oft' Underwater
Its Security Is Profound!
Its Eyes Are Still Beholding
Its Destination It Can See!
Elements May Drown Christian Heads In Sudden Deep Water
Our Hearts Are Resting In Almighty God
So No Dread Action Of The Lion De Liar
Should Be Able To Cause Us 
To Deny Our One True And Saving Lord!

Duck Are All Great Waders!
They Wade Even In Water Cold Deep!
They Know The Vibrations In The Water
Understand When To Remain Calm
When To Flee
For Changes In The Rhythm Of
The Troubling In The Water
By Elements Unknown
Can To The Duck
- As Well As To The Christian -
Prove To Be Deadly!

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