
Friday, October 7, 2016

HAPPY SABBATH: It Will Be An Expedient + PRAYER: Lord, Give Us The Victory

Since There Is Nothing New
Under The Sun
It Stands To Reason
That It Will Be Again Expedient 
That One Should  Perish
Instead Of The Whole Nation!

So ...

Just Like Christ Jesus
Christians Shall Be The Scape Goat
Will Be Sold To Bold Sinners
For A Trifling Small Groat!

The King James Bible Says
That The Dragon
Is With The Woman Wroth
Will Seek To Make War
With The Remnant Of Her Seed
I Take That To Mean
That Hate Controls His Noggin
Just As The Drug Would An Addict On Speed!

Christians' Foreheads And Backs Will Bear Targets
For Their Faithfulness To The Eternal God
For Having Repented Of Sin
To God The Father
Holding The Faith Of Jesus Deep, Deep, Within
For Not Paying Obeisance To The False God!

But ... Faith

Faith Speaks Of Confidence!
Faithfulness Speaks To Confidence's Reward!
Walking In Faith Speaks Of Doubt's Decimation
Abiding Faith Speaks To Hope For Rest
In The Peaceful Glade Of The Eternal God!

God Is Faithful
Even When We Are Not
When We Are Faithless
God's Faithfulness
Diminishes Not Even A Jot!

BUT ...

If We Believe In Him Who Is The Word
Who Makes Faith Come Alive By His Covenanted Word
We Will Be Champions Of The Faith
Overcomers Grand
Of The Goat-inspired Wicked Perishing World
Disbelievers In The Son Of Man!

Faith Is The Victory!
Faith Moves Mountains And Trees!
Faith ... When Unbounded
Is As A Shower Of Rain Upon Leaves
For The Sound Is As Music That Makes The Heart Sing
The Soul In Its Witness
Is Ever Joyful
Knowing That Eternity Is Not A Faddish Thing!


Day Is Dying, Dear Lord
In The West
Sinners Are Right Bold
Denying There Is Sin To Be Confessed
I Ask You, Lord
Who Is No Mannish Liar
Whose Word Is Truth
And Is To Eternity Bound Fast
To Please Let Our Confidence
Our Holy Faith In Christ Jesus
Provide Us Seats
At The Royal Welcome Home Children
Celebration Repast!

Oh, Lord
Please Let Our Faith 
In Jesus Christ The Righteous
Give Us The Victory
That Overcomes This World!
We Love You, Father!


Fear Him 
Who Can Kill Body And Soul In Hell!

What Can Man Do Unto Me?

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