
Saturday, October 22, 2016

PRAYER : Lord, I Tell Lies To My Self ...!

Lord, I have A Real Problem!
I Tell Lies Unto My Self!
Big Ones
Little Ones
Even Whoppers
And It's Not Pleasant
Looking At The Lie-To-My-Self Shelf!

I Make Up All Kinds Of Stories
As To Why Things Work Out The Way They Do
And, Please
Forgive Me, Dear Father
I Even Lie To My Self
About How Things Are Working
Between Wicked Me And Holy You!

When Things Between Me And My Brethren
Don't Go The Way That They Should
I Make Excuses For Me And For Them
And Say
Perhaps We Misunderstood Each Other 
And From The Hard Truth Turn And Run Away!

Father, I Need You To Help Me 
To Call A Spade A Spade
To Stop Making Excuses For Unkindness
And Pretending
About Mistakes That I Have Indeed Made!

Help To Accept Your "No!"
Your "Tomorrow!"
Your "Not Today!"
Your "Be Quiet
Your Firm
"Leave That Alone!"
Your Order To
"Turn Aside!"
"Now By Your Self Stand Alone!"
"From That Fast Run Away!"

Lord, I Know Of A Truth That You Love Me!
I Know That You Have My Best Interests At Heart!
Lord, Please
My Will I Give To You
Would You Now Cause The Spirit Of Rebellion In Me To Depart?

Help Me, Dear Father
For I Love You, And I Give Unto You My Humble Praise
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

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