
Thursday, October 13, 2016

PRAYER: Lord, We Believe Your Word!

Oh, Lord
Great And Glorious
We Come Before You
Hearts Heavy
At The Plight Of Our Nation's People!

Lord, What Is To Become
Of This Prodigal People
Who Relish A Diet Of Pig Swill
And Reject The Lush Banquet
Arrayed On Zion's Hill;
Who Studiously Walk By Blind Sight;
Who Consider The Faith Of Jesus A Pox And A Blight;
Who Wallow In Flights Of Fantasy;
Who Enjoy Playing Pat-A-Cake
In The Whispy Web Of The Fabled Spider Anansi;
Who Thrill At The Experiencing Of The Mind-numbing Pill
And Laugh Uproariously
At All That Is Worthy A Toilet To Fill;
Who Play With The Fraud
And Believe Themselves To Be God;
And Who Consider The Confessed Children Of The Living God
To Be Kin To Demon Frogs?
Lord, Have Mercy Upon Them In Their Distress!

Oh, Lord
We Who Love And Believe In Your Beloved Son
Are Denigrated
And Denied
And Despised
And Abused
And Accused
We Don't Indulge In Thrills And Spills For Fun;
We Refuse To Play Russian Roulette With The Known Loaded Gun;
We Acknowledge That Sin Has No Degrees
No Matter Its Color
And That It Separates Us From The Holy God
We Daily Seek To Please;
We Know That An Elevating Love Of Self Is No Green Grass
And That It Puts Us In The Position
Of Requiring Your Sending Unto Us A Balaam's Talking Ass;
We Recognize That Self-Medication
Puts Us Up High On A Rotten Tree Limb;
We Refuse To Live To Experience Fleeting Thrills That Will Ultimately Kill;
We Choose To Accept And Know The Creator God Who Lives
Who Loves Us And Who Causes Us To Grow;
And Because
We Choose To Live By The Intangible Faith Of Jesus Christ The King
And Sing Praises To Him As We Look With Great Hope 
For The Sky Break Heralding His Returning!

Give Unto Us Strength For Our Journey
And Courage For The Way We Must Walk
Even In The Face Of Gross Opposition
To Humbly Keep The Holy Faith
To Be Able To Disagree
And Not Be Disagreeable
As We Share The Truths Of Heavenly Light
And Freely Available Salvation Unto Eternal Life!
Let Not The Spirit Of Fear Overcome Us!

Pity Us By Your Mercy
Comfort Us With Your Grace
And Let The Indwelling Holy Spirit
Direct Correct And Chide Us
And The Holy Angels Protect Us
Until The Day When In This Fleeting Life
We Have No More A Place!

Oh, Father,
Let Our Love For You Be Not Fair Weather
Neither Let It Be Wasted On The Accursed Other!
Bless Our Faith With Holy Sight
Unto The Day When There Shall Be
No More Night!
And, Lord
In That Day Of The Trumpet Of God
Call Us Forth From Death
Unto Eternal Life
For We Believe Your Holy Promises
And We Trust You To Honor Your Promise
To Get Us Home Safely
Through Jacob's Time Of Trouble
The Coming Prophesied Strife!

Oh, Lord
We Love You Indeed
And In The Name Of Jesus Christ The Righteous
With These Petitions We Plead.
Oh, Lord, Hear!
Oh, Lord, Do For Us What Only The Holy God Can Do!

Oh, That Men Would Praise

The Eternal God Of Love

The Giver Of True Life!

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