
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Put God First!

Honor! Love!
Trust! Worship!
Mark The Way To Walk In Fellowship
If We Say God Is Our Lord
When We Pray!

If We Love God
We Will His Commandments Keep!
If We Trust God
We Will Walk In His Ways
No Matter The Way Steep!
If We Honor God
We'll Give
The First Fruits Of Our Increase 
To Help Further The Work Of The Kingdom To Come
If We Worship God
It Will Be With More Than Just Our Tongues
Which In Our Mouths Live!

When We Obey God
God Repays Us
- As Only The Holy God Will Do -
With Treasures Of Peace And Rest Here
Unimaginable Treasures
In The Blessed Kingdom Fair
It Is Promised That We Will Share!
We Will Have No Reason
To Doubt The Payment Of Rewards
For All Will Reap Of His Own Labor
Including The Wicked Fraud!

Honor! Love!
Trust! Worship!
Are Not Highminded Concepts
Like Those With Which
The Illuminated Intelligentsia Plays!
These Concepts
These Ideals
Are The Currency Of The Kingdom Not Made With Hands
Are Eternal
Just Like The Godhead

Talk Is Cheap!
It Requires No Sweat!
Lying Is Expensive
Gets Us Caught
In Satan's Net Wide And Deep 
If We Call
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
Almighty God
We Will Do These First Works
To Claim The Reward
Payable At The Coming Of Him Who
Will Claim His Peculiar Treasure
At The Sounding Of The Trumpet Of the Holy God!

Add Endurance
To The Ideals
In The Trial Of Our Faith
For With The Grace Of God
Mercy Shows Its Lovely Face
God's Great Love
Being Ever In Place
We Will Have Nothing To Fear
When God's Justice
Is Executed Against The Wilful Wicked
The Unbelieving
For Whom In Glorious Heaven
There Is No Prepared Place!

Why Would You Choose To Die?

Believe In The Lord Christ

Keep God's Commandments!
Setting Aside The Lusts Of Carnality
Fear God
Which Together
Is The Whole Duty
Of Humanity!

Keep A Song In Your Heart
In Jesus Christ
Be Strong
As You Go On God's Errands!


A Glorious Home In Heaven Awaits!

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