
Thursday, December 22, 2016

PRAYER: Thank You For Your Sure Ways, Lord!

Thank You, Father
For The Word That Gives
My Heart Peace
My Faith Hope
My Love Assurance!

Thank You For The Blessing Of Rest
Truth - The Banner Of The Faithful
That Marks The Way Home!

Thank You For Your Sure Ways
That Give My Faith Power
To Ignore Satan And His Minions:
Your Holy Word
What You Have Done For Others
What You Have Promised In Your Word To Personally Do For Me
The Panorama That Is Nature For All Mankind To See!
Lord, I Trust You And I Am Trusting In You!

I Thank You For The Love
That Will Not Let Me Go
I Beseech You
To Help Me Not To Lose Me Grip Upon You
For You Are Life
My Life
My Way To Life
The Reason For My Living
So That I To Holy Heaven May Go!

I Bless You, Lord
From A Heart That's Full
Pray That You Will Bless Me Ever Always
With A Faith That Works
Because It Is You That I Love!
Thank You!
In Jesus' Name I Plead And Stand!
Oh, To Arrive In The Peaceful Land!

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