
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Great Commission + PRAYER: Lord, I Crave Your Blessing

God Gave Me Seeds To Sow!
Someone Else Will My Seeds Water!
The Holy Spirit Will Give The Increase
So That My Seeds Will Have
Sons And Daughters!

My Seed-Children
Will Have Seed-Children Of Their Own!
Some May Die A-borning!
Some Will Land On Fertile Soil
Letting All Upon The Earth Know
That The Kingdom Of God
Is Hell's Gates

I Do Not Know
How Many Generations Of Seed-Children
I Will Beget
That Is In The Hands Of God Almighty
Against Whose Power No One Can Bet!
My Task Is To Believe
Do The Work I Receive
So That God Gets All The Glory
For His Will
Will Be Achieved!

God Has Given Precious Promises Unto Man
I Choose To Believe Them
These Promises Came
At The Cost Of The Life
Of The Beloved Christ
King Jesus Sweet
So That The Obedient
The Trusting
The Faithful
The Enduring
Will Leave This Earth Forever
In The Chariots Of God
That Don't Rely On Running Feet!


I Crave Your Blessing
Upon The Work You Ordained
That I Should Do!
Help Me To Do It Faithfully
Giving Honor
Praise And Glory
Unto You!

Help Me
Not To Rely On Man's Approbation
To Dictate What To Do
What To Write
What To Say!
Let My Will Into Your Will
Be Enfolded
So That I
May Be Instructed
By Only You
Each And Every Day!

Let My Faith
In My Jesus
Be Set Firmly!
Let My Courage Not Waffle
In The Winds Of Strife
Let Not Sin Beset!
Let My Destination
The Heavenly Home
Be The Breath That I Breathe
Let Your Holy Spirit
The Only Spirit
Unto Whom I Will Cleave!

May Your Holy Angels Ever Surround!
Let Not Disappointments
Cause Me To Frown!
Let Faith
Mercy Attend My Way!
Let Hope Hold My Heart!
Let The Light Of The Coming Christ
Even If It Is In A Prison Cell
Or A Forest Retreat
Where I Must At Night Sleep!

Lead Me Home
In The Name Of Jesus Who Saves!
Oh, Lord
Lead Thou Me


I Will Walk
In Wisdom
Come What May
Trusting In My Jesus Every Day!
Heaven Is My Home
Thank God
I Don't Walk Alone
For An Angel Guard Surrounds Me
And I Pray!

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