
Saturday, December 10, 2016

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Order Our Steps, Lord! + Prayer: Lord Almighty, Lead Us ...!

If I Would To God Be Honest
Tell God's Honest Truth
I Would To The World
Acknowledge Without Fear
That's God's Hand Has Been Upon Me
I Could Recognize It
For It Has Been
Since I Was A Youth!

I Would Tell Of
Spills And Chills
Fun And Frolic
Sadness And Quietness, Too
No Matter
Sunshine Or Squall
My Heavenly Father
Ever Directing
- Saving Me From Myself -
Was In The Midst Of It All!

Today, As Any Other Day
I Had Not To Ask If I Was Alive!
I Awakened!
I Got Up!
There Was Light In My Eyes!
I Could Hear!
I Could Feel!
I Know That I Know!
I Could Sneeze
Thank God For Grace And Glory
I Had Not Done My Sleeping
In The Elements With Dogs
Avidly Acquiring Biting Fleas!

And, So ...
Here I Pray ...

In Holy Heaven
I Thank You Today
For The Blessings Innumerable
You Give
No Matter If I Say
"Thank You!"
In Gratitude
Or Just Accept Them
As I Would My Received Pay!

Please Forgive Me
My Bad Manners
My Bad Attitude
For Behaving As Though
I Am Receiving Something
That You To Me Owe!
I Hang My Head In Shame
Because I Know Better!
Lord God, I Beseech You
Help Me
In Blessed Grace To Grow!

I Remember
When I Was A Child Growing Up
Hearing My Old Grandfather Say His Prayers!
We Would Hear Him Say
To The Lord:
"Father, Same As Yesterday!"
We Never Knew What Yesterday's Prayer Was
But It Seemed To Work For Him
I Am Plainly Saying To You, Father
What It Is
For What I Am Asking -
I Shall Clearly Enunciate My Prayers 
Day By Day!
Help Me Also To Listen Quietly
For What You Have To Say!

Please, Lord
Bless The Holy People!
Bless Those Who Are Seeking After You!
Have Pity On Our Leaders Of Government!
Father, Open Their Eyes And Hearts!
Help Us, And Them, To Honor You!
Remember Our Mothers And Fathers
Brothers And Sisters
Children, Grandchildren
In-Laws, Friends
And Other Relations, Too!
Visit Each And Everyone, Dear Lord
And Provide 
- According To Your Wisdom -
The Need For Which They Are Asking!

Bless The Church Fellowship
Help The Ministers Of The Gospel
To Call Sin By Its True Name
Ever In Faithfulness
Speak Your Life-Giving Truth
So That They Will Appropriate 
None Of Your Prerogatives To Themselves
Giving Glory Always To You!
Help Them To Live For Jesus Christ
Not For The Praise Of Men
Not For Filthy Lucre
Not By Lying Prophesying!
Soften Hard Hearts!
Make Choice The Barren Land!

Provide For The People All
Clothing And Shelter
A Plain, Loving, Touch From 
A Holy Spirit-Inspired Kind Hand!
Let There Be Peace In Our Hearts
Even If There Is None In Our Lands
Help Us, Lord, Help Us
To Bow In Heartfelt Devotion
To The Holy Son Of Man!

And, Father
If For Some Reason
Some Soul Is Treading The Water Of Doubt
Whisper A Word To Us
Giving Us A Heads-Up
So That A Word Of Truth
May Be Fitly Spoken
So That The Brethren
Would Not From The Coming Kingdom
Be Cut Loose!
Lord, Let Our Prayers Of Faith Rise Up To You!

Lord Almighty,
Order Our Steps!
Pave Our Path!
Lead Us As Promised
With The Shepherd's Staff!
Teach Us Your Ways!
Help Us To Number Our Days
So That We Will Not Be Counted Foolish
That We Are Holding Control
On The Reins Of This Life!
Show Us That We Are Mere Men
Who Can't Genuinely Change Our Hair Color
Extend Our Height
Humble Us To Stand Up
To Be In Jesus Christ's Faith Bold
Making Heavenly Salvation
Our One And Only Goal!

Help To Trust And Obey
To Give Freely Out
Of Our Blessings Each Day
To Walk As Those Wise
Not As Those Who Evil Devise!
Help Us To Watch And To Ever Pray!
Help Us To Look Up
For Heaven Is On The Way!
Help Us To Accept And Hold Firm
To Our Soul's Freely Offered Salvation
Never Accepting
Satan's Gifts
Which Surely Eternally Cost
But Can Never Eternally Pay!

I Love You, Lord
I Honor, Bless And Worship You
I Know And Accept That
To Live
There Is No Other Profitable Way!
Please Accept These My Petitions
From A Lowly, Trembling Heart
In Jesus' Name I Make My Plea
And Stand!

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