
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

CONFIDENCE: Not By Man's Might!

I Know What I Was!
I Know What I Am!
I Know Not What I Shall Be
I Know That I Shall Be Like
The Captain
Of The Ship Of State
That Is Docked
In The Land Where
There Is The Tideless Sea!

I Walk By Faith!
I Don't Trust My Eyesight
For I Follow The Master
Whose Word Says
All Is Done By His Spirit
Not By Power
Nor By Manly Might!

I Am Learning!
I Am Leaning!
I Am Trusting!
I Am Praying
That The Lord
Will Help Me Ever To Be Obedient
To Do What He Says
I Am Looking
Toward The Land Where
Flesh Does Not Decay!

I Hear The Still Voice Of The Holy Spirit!
I Hear The Clamoring Voice
Of The One Damned Who Will The Soul
Cause To Disobey
I Pray That The God Of Heaven
Will Tune My Ears To Follow The Direction
That Leads To The Solid Rock
Whereupon My Faith In Jesus Christ
Shall Securely Stand!

I See Good!
I See Bad!
I Pray That The Lord
Will Help Me To Choose To Do The Good
So That I Shall Be Able To
In The Day Of Final Award
Sing A Joyful Hallelujah
Before The Conquering King
The Then Returned
Holy Son Of Man!

I Live In Hope
Blessed Of Dear Grace
I Believe
- With Confidence -
That Jesus Christ
Has Prepared For Me
- In His Father's House -
An Eternal Resting Place
Where Glorying In Jesus
Finds Fullest Expression
Not Devil-inspired Disgrace!

I Desire That You Know
That Jesus Christ IS Soon Returning
We All Should Give
Running To Sin
The Old Heave Ho!
It Will Not Be Easy!
It Shall Indeed Be Hard
The God Who Says To Do It
Has Given Unto All
A Measure Of The Faith
Of Jesus Christ
Who Walks With All
Who Would In Peace See
His Kingly
Shining Face!
What A Blessed Relief That Will Be!

The Spirit Of The Lord
The Spirit Also Comforts
All Who Would
Their Eternal Destiny
In Jesus Christ
Commit And Confide!
Ask God For His Holy Spirit!

Pray  ... Without Ceasing!
Trust God  ... We Shall Soon Be Earth Leaving!
Trust Not  ... In Your Own Understanding For
Satan - BY GOD'S GRACE -
Won't You Ever Be Deceiving!

Holiness Is Unto The Lord!

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