
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trust God... And Go!

But Why Do I Always
Have To Be The One To Go?!
Because I Want You To Go!

I'm So Tired!
Why Can't Sadie Go?
Sadie Never Walks Straight!

What About Bonnie!
Bonnie Is Never On Time!

Denis Could Go!
Denis Is Not Here!

But I ...!

As The Story Goes ...

This Used To Be Cry Heard
In The Old Days!
One Person
Was Always Being Sent To Do The Errands
Whilst The Others
Had A Way Of Escape!

Our Father God
Sent His Beloved One
Who Now In Turn Says ...

I Am A Sending You!
Go In Faith
Do The Work!
I Will Equip You
I Have Healing Balm For Your Hurts!

Do Not Look At Who Is Not Working!
Do Not  Look At Those Who Work Short Shrift!
Do Not Look At Those
Who Refuse To Take Up A Load
Just Go Where I Send You!
I, Jesus Send You
And With You 
I Will Go!

By Faith
With Love
Work Out Your Own Soul's Salvation!
The Day Of Accounts
- Reconciliation Day -
Will Show All
That Was Hidden Away!

My Instructions Are Clear:

There Will Be Foes To Alarm
AndThere Will Be Frets In The Night
But See That You:

  • Walk In The Light
  • Do Right
  • Deliver The Message
  • Giving The Trumpet That Certain Sound
  • Walk In Faith
  • Trust Not Your Own Eyesight
  • Don't Stray From The Way
  • Keep Your Eyes Fixed On Me
  • I Am Your Jesus! - Turn Not Aside
  • Eat Not Their Bread
  • Drink Not Their Water
  • Trust In My Word
  • Don't Follow The Runaway Herd!

Take My Peace!
Receive My Rest
Sabbath With Your Savior
Your Soul Will Be Blessed!

  • Think Not Your Own Thoughts
  • Speak Not Your Own Words

Be The Child
Trained Up By Me
Speaking My Words
Walk Humbly
Dressed In My Garb
Showing That By My Character
You Are Thereby Enrobed!

Lift Up Your Cross Daily!
There Is Grace To Help Daily!
Pray Daily
You Will Have Have Faith
For The Day

Remember That ...

Protection Is Yours
Not Always Promised For The Body
Always Promised For The Faithful One's Soul!
Remember John The Baptist!
Remember The Apostle Paul!
Remember Me, Jesus!
Remember The Law Giver
My General Moses!
Saint's - Dead Or Alive -
Will Be Raised Glorified
The Unrepentant Sinner
- Body And Soul -
Will Be Burnt
By My Consuming Fire!

So, Beloved ...

Trust My Call To You
Where I Send You ...GO!
With Enduring Faith
You Will With Me
To Eternity

In My Father's House
There IS A Place Prepared Just For You!

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