
Sunday, June 4, 2017

All Of The Eternal God's Promises Are True!

In The Eternal God's Plan
There Is No Haste!
In The Eternal God's Plan
There Is No Delay!
If You Put God In Front Of You
You Can Be Assured
That He Has Got Your Back!
He Is Always On Time
You Will Survive Any Satanic Attack!

Many Look To Be Delivered
From The Cruel Enemy
Ignoring The Fact
That To Be Redeemed By Jesus The Christ
Is The Best
If We Will Be Blessed!
They Forget
That Satan Has Already Been Defeated
Is Just Awaiting
The Final Benediction
At His Obliteration Fest!

Take God At His Word - He Is Faithful!
Believe God's Promises - They Are True!
There Are No Out-Of-God's-Control Eventualities
What God Said He Will Do
He Will Do!

Jesus Christ Says He Is Coming - He Is Coming!
Jesus Christ Made A Bright Home
Just For You!
There Will Be No Sharing Of Facilities
Or Provisions
God Provides
What Is For You
Just For You!

Don't Worry About What Who Has
When You Have Not!
Just Learn
- In All Things -
To Be Content!
Please Valiantly Take Hold Of
The Promises Given
Look Forward
In Faith
For The Heavenly Home
Where The Very Streets
Are Made Of Pure Gold!

God Has No Short Hand
No Short Foot
No Blind Eye
- I Assure You -
No Flattering Forked Tongue!
God IS Not Man
So, Therefore
He Is Not A Liar
Nor Will He
With False Hopes
False Promises
Ignobly Lead You Around
With A Lying But Triumphing
Glad Song!

Trust God ... And Go!
Trust God ... And Know
That Heaven
Is Already On Its Way!
We Know Not The Hour!
We Know Not The Day
The Signs Of The Times
Point Us In That Direction
We Can Safety Say:

Come, Lord Jesus!
We Are Ready To Go Home
We Are Ready To Take Hold Of Eternity

Starting With
The Great And Glorious Day!
Hear Our Prayer!
Hear Our Prayer!
Haste The Day!

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