
Friday, June 30, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + PRAYER : Lord, Help Me To Keep Oil For My Lamp

In This Hour, Lord
My Heart To You
Is Thankful!

I Can See!
I Can Hear!
I Can Feel!
I Can Taste!
I Can Touch!
Thank You, Lord!
Thank You!

I Deny The Bold Liar
His Flagrant Lies

By Your Saving Grace
I Know That I Will Escape 
Damnation's Hellish Fire

For To Christ Jesus
My Heart Is Tied!
Thank You, Lord!
Thank You!

I Reject The Thing Evil
I Accept That Which Is Good

I Choose Not To Cast Down
Truth In The Street

I Choose
- With The Blessing Of Faith -
To My Brethren
To Do Good!

Help Me, Lord
Your Name
Your Character
Not To Disgrace
By Calling Only Those
With My Own Blood
Or Speech

Because We Inhabit The Same Space!

Help Me, Please

I Beseech You
To Acknowledge The Truth In The Gospel
That My Brethren Is
My Fellow Man
- God's Property -

Who Is
The Brother
The Sister
The Other One Out There
To Whom My Hand
- In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ -
Can Extend The Touch Of Care!

You Touch Me, Lord! 
I Sing Your Praise! 
You Heal Me, Lord
In Ways I Can't Begin To Count! 
You Lift Me Up In Ways, Lord
That Are Truly Profound! 
Help Me, Lord
Help Me
From The Gospel Of Truth Plow
Not To Cast Out
Nor Turn Around!

I Am Not Discouraged, Lord
By The Loudly Sounding Chimes
That Spell Out
The Heady Times Of Man

The Coming Time Of The Harvesting Hand
Lest We Forget
That Every Day Has A Noon

A Night
Remind Us, Lord
Teach Us
The Bridegroom Cometh At Midnight

We Need Seeing And Bright Light!

Help Us To Keep Our Lamps Trimmed
Help Us To Have The Oil Ready
E'er The Call Comes:

"The Bridegroom Cometh!
Go Ye Out To Meet Him
Light Your Lamp!
Shine Your Light!"

Most Holy
Thou Faithful One
Kind True
I Beseech You
Keep Me Faithful

Wholly True To You!

In Certain Hope, Lord
I'm Waiting For The Beloved Son 

Who Paid My Bride-Price
Who Has Built Me A Home
Has Furnished To Me
The Perfect Wedding Garment!
Help Me!
Help Me, Please
To Keep My Garment Unto The Bright Day
Spotless And Clean!

I Have In My Heart
My Copy Of The Covenant Of Love
In The Beloved's Innocent Blood
I Am Pleading With You, Father
To Keep Me Faithful
To The Promise
To Walk In Accord
With My Beloved Savior
And On Into
The Courts Above!

I Desire To See My Jesus!
I Desire To See
To Receive My Jesus
In Blessed Peace!
I Have No Desire
From The Presence
To The Rocks And Hills To Flee
And So, Lord
I Give Unto You
My Self
My Will
My Way
Ask You To Accept My Little Mite
My Poor Offering
As I Reach Out To You
In Humble
Importunate Prayer!

I Love You! 
I Bless You! 
I Thank You For The Holy Spirit's Comfort
The Angelic Protection
And Influence Each Day
I Plead
For The Hastening Of The Day
So That
I Can See My Lord
Face To Faith
Face To Face!

Remember The Faithful
Profitable Servants
The Watchmen On The Wall
Who Give The Warning Trumpet
That Certain Sound That Says:

"Heed The Call!
Heed The Call!"

Remember The Holy People
With Mercy
In Pitying Love

Please Send One More Call Out
To Those Blind Ones 
Who Unwittingly Harken To The Fables
By Those Pharisaical Preachers
Who Love Money
Power And Position
More Than They Care For The Souls Of
Hurting Seeking-Truth Men! 

The Shepherds  Have Lost Their First Love!

In The Living Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Plead And Offer Up
My Prayer And These Few Petitions!
Help Us, Lord!
Grant Us Your Peace

The Very Much Needed Blessed Relief
Sin Release! 

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