
Friday, June 16, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH: The Storm + The Prayer

Good Morning, Foolish Man!

Good Morning, Man Wise!

How Is Your Building Progressing?! 

I'm Moving Apace
But The Supplies
Their Price Is Giving My Stomach
Mucho Butterflies!
What About You!

I Have Built On The Rock Of Salvation!
I Have Used The Plan
Designed By The Heavenly Store!
I Have The Hand Of The Master Builder
The Cleft Of The Rock
Marks The Beginning 
The End Of My Property!
That's For Sure!

You've Really Gone Against Tradition!
Not Me - I Want All That's Out There
And Truth Be Told
Much More!
That's Why I'm Getting Stomach Butterflies
I Didn't Dig Too Deep
And Now
I'm Not Sure
If My House Can Carry
The Heavy Weight Of My Ever-Increasing
Acquired Load!

You'd Better Think Seriously
About What You Are Doing!
The Storms Of Life
Are Just Up Ahead!
This Is The Season Of Trial
All Need True Shelter
Real Comfort
Trusted Safety
Or One Will Be Harmed
Or Worse
One Can Be Killed!
Dead! Dead!

No, My Brother!
You're Thinking Too Deep!
Talk To You Later!
It Has Been A Long Night
And I'm Off To Catch Up On My Sleep!

Not Even Two Days Later ...

Rumble Rumble!!                            Swish! Swoooosh!!            Swish! Swoooosh!!
              Rumble Rumble!!        Crack Crack Craack!!
Swish! Swoooosh!!                                        Pip Pip Tip!                                                          Crack Crack Craack!!                 Rumble Rumble!!
Swish Swish Swiiiiish!             Crack Crack Craack!!     Top Pop Plop!           Plop Dop Dop!

Man Wise Was Comfortable!
He Is Saying His Prayers!
He Is Thanking The Lord For His Blessings!
Jesus Christ Is Comforting His Fears!

He Is Also Praying
For Foolish Man
His Neighbor
Across The Way
Whose House
Built On The Sands
On Public Opinion
The Theories Of Man
The Lust Of The Eye
The Pride Of Life
A Gargantuan Serving
Of The Lust Of The Flesh
Is Being Torn Apart
By The Prevailing Winds
The Turbulent Storm
Which Had Been Predicted
By The Author Of Life
Who Alone Can Save
The Children Of Man!

Lord, Please Spare His Life!

Suddenly ... 

There Is A Loud Thump Thump
Upon Man Wise Answering
Foolish Man
Fell In Through
Man Wise's Solid, Solid, Door!

Thank You, Lord
For Saving Foolish Man's Life!!

Foolish Man?!
Foolish Man!
Open Your Eyes!

Man Wise?!
Man Wise!!
I'm Still Alive?!
I Thought I Was Done For!
I Was Sure I Would Die!

The Storm
The Storm ... It Was Awful!
I Will Not Tell A Lie!
I Built My House On Shifting Sand
And The Storm Gave It
A Strenuous Buffeting
And When The Rain Of Trial
And Tribulation Started To Pour
It Was Not Very Long Before
My Roof Blew Off
And, Soon
All I Had Left
And Was Left Holding
Was The Fancy Knob Of The Expensive Door
Of The Perfect House That Was No More!

You Should Have Heard
The Scream Of Ripping Siding
The Screech Of Torn Out Nails
The Roar Of Blown Out Windows
The Sad Keening Of My Wails!

I Begged God To Save Me!
You Know  ...
The Very God
You Warned Not To Ignore!
The Very God
That Rock
You Told Me To Build Upon!
The Very God
In Whom I Had No Stock!!

It Was Terrible!
It Was Awful!
I Now Know Fear
I Am Asking You, Dear Brother
Could You Put Me Up?!
Can I Rest On You Spare Chair?!

Sure, Sure, Sure!
Take A Load Off!
You Are Welcome To Stay Here
BUTJust Know
That The Lord Of Life
Is The Head Of This Household
I Don't Cotton To Those Pet Theories
That You Idolize!

Pet Theories?!
Pet Theories!!
Those Pet Theories
Practically Near Killed Me!

Look At Me Now
I Don't Even A Pot Of My Own
Too Pee In
Nor A Window To Throw It Through
So, Please
Do Not Speak To Me Ever Again
About Man Practice Nor Theory!!
Don't Do It - I Caution You!

You May, However
Tell Me Everything
That You Know
About The God You Built Upon
The God Who Guides And Protected You
And Surely Saved Me Today, Too!!

Foolish Man ...
Foolish Man!
You Need A New Name
You've Come To Your Senses
That Is Quite Plain!

The God Who Is My Rock
Can Provide
Salvation To All
But Those Who Receive It
See Their Need
To Him
Reach For It!

You Trusted In Self!
You Trusted On Man!
ANDYou Leaned On A Weak Arm
That Placed You
In The Path Of Harm!

Our God ...
- He's Yours Now -
Is Safe To Lean On!
He Strong To Uphold You!
He's Faithful To Console You!
He's Steady In All Ways!
He's Unchanging
Be It Day Or Night!
His Word Is His Character
ANDYou Need Him
Be It Dark Days
Or Light!

If You Will Let Go
Let God
Be To You
Your All In All
He Will Lead You
Guide You
Teach You
Feed You
Lift You Up Ever You Fall!
He'll Never Abandon You -
It's Not His Way!
ANDHe'll Never Chaste You Away
For A Mistake
Take Heed Unto Yourself
And Do Not
Let Presumption
Cause You
From His Safety
To Turn Away!

You Have Been Given
A Chance At New Life!
Please Do Not From It Turn Away!
Deny The Liar
Those Who Work For Him
Who Tell You
For Things Temporal
To Reach Higher And Higher!

Things Are Replaceable!
A Soul Lost Is Not
So, Please
Use This Golden Opportunity
To Claim Your Soul's Salvation
The Rock!

And, In Deep Contrition
Foolish Man
Turning Wise
Uttered This


Dear Lord, 
I Thank You
For Saving My Soul
Without Your Salvation
You Know That I Would Be
A Duppy Quite Cold!

Forgive Me, Lord, My Folly
My Willingness To Presumptuous Sin
My Penchant For Shiny Objects
That Cluttered My Life
But Did Not My Soul Thrill!

I Invite You
To Fill The Void In My Heart
The Void In My Life
So, Please
Can You Make The Way Clear
To Help Me From Sinning To Depart!

I No Longer Want
What Others May Have!
I Now Want What You Have For Me
I Desire From You
Through You
In You
The Blessed, Blessed, New Start!

Teach Me Your Way, Lord
And Help Me To Walk In It
I Know Now
- Of A Surety -
That Life Without You
Is A Bottomless
Holey Rusted Bucket!
Lord, I Was Living In The Dark!

Hear, Oh, Lord
My Prayer
Father Most True
I Sincerely Need You
Will To Trust You
And, So I Give 

My Self
My Will
My Way
- In My New Faith -
Unto You!
Teach Me To Love You, Lord!

Welcome To The Family, Brother!
Welcome To The Family!

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