
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

HE SAID: I Did! - Trusting In The Lord Christ!

I Am In Love
With A Jealous God!

Aren't They All?!

I Don't Know
About A "They All!"
I Just Know About The Jealous God
Whose Name Is Jealous!


He Does Not Share!
He Desires All Of My Love
For His Own
As For His Glory
It Is All His!
His, Alone!

He Is So Giving!
He Told Me Up Front:

I Will Always Love You!
I Will Ever Provide For You!

He Told Me Straight
What's Good To Aspire
Plainly Informed Me
What's Best To Retire!

Sounds Really Controlling!

Oh, No!
Not At All!

He Is Just Very Specific
About The Heart
He Holds In His Hand!

When We First Met
He Told Me Quite Plain:

This Is All Blessings!
He Showed Me The Right!

This Is All Cursings!
He Showed Me The Left!

Told Me To Choose
Which One I Will Receive
Never At Any Point
Did He Try To Me Deceive!

He Said I Have Choice!
He Says I Have Will!
I Can Choose To Give Him My Will
Which Will Permit Him
To Mark Out My Path
At The End Of This Life
My Trove Of Blessings
He Will Continue
- For Eternity -
To Fill!

Sounds Like A Bill Of Goods To Me!

To You, Maybe!
But, To Me
My Beating Heart
At His Name
Completely And Totally

How Gullible!

Excuse Me?!
I Don't Understand!

My God Is Holy!
My God Is True!
My God Is Faithful!
He Is Calling Out To You!

What God Ever Does Anything
Except Hold Out Their Frozen Hand?!

Ahhh! There's Your Problem!

Frozen-God Hand!
Frozen-Handed Gods
Are Not Gods!
They Are Idols!

My God Is Alive!
I Can Call Upon Him
At Any Time
He Answers!
He Responds!
He Takes Care Of Me
All That He Requires
Expects From Me
Is Faithfulness
No Doubt
No Wavering
No Backsliding!
In Him
I Am Confiding!

One Is Born Every Day!

What Is That?!

A Sucker!

Oh, My!
I Don't Know Of Anyone Else!
I Speak For Myself!
I Know That I Was Lonely
When I Met Jesus
And, Now
My Life Is Complete!

He Said:
Cast Your Cares On Me!
I Did!

He Said:
Trust And Obey!
I Am Trying
By His Grace
That Challenge
To Fullfil!

He Said:
Walk In Faith!
I'm Trying Not To Walk By Sight!

He Said:
I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!
I Hold His Hand
Even When I Want To Relent!

Your Funeral!

He Told Me:
It Is Appointed Once
For Man To Die
And Then The Judgment!

Excuse Me?!
Judgment? What Judgment?!

Oh, Dear ...!

The Creator God
The Judge Of His Creation
In The Day Of His Appointing
Must Give An Accounting
Of His Life's Deeds!

To The Repentant
He Is The Welcoming King!

To The Unrepentant
He Is The Frowning
Aka Executing Judge!

Everybody Tells Me
Enjoy Life!
You Live!
You Die!
End Of Story!

But, YOU ...!!
You've Upset My Apple Cart!
You Just Burst My Bubble
And You've Done Put A Tremble
A Real Tremble
In My Heart!

What Do I Do?!
Where Do I Go?!
Who Can I Turn To -
I Really Don't Want
The Frowning Judge Score!

Jesus Christ
Is The Answer
First Question To Last!
In Him Is Life Eternal!
On Him Your Burdens
You May Cast!

Trust Him - He Is Faithful!
Lean On Him - He Is Strength!
Hold On To Him - He Is Life
Follow Him
He Leads To Eternal Life!

Pray For Forgiveness
For The Rotten Deeds Of Your Past Life!

How On Earth Do I Do That?!

Tell The Truth!
Say What You Did!
Acknowledge That You Were Wrong!
Say You Are Sorry
Ask Jesus To Lead You
The Rest Of Your Life
Be It Short Or Long!

Pray Is Personal Communication!
Tell The Truth Freely!
Forgiveness By Confession
And Repentance
Comes Your Way
Be Assured Of This One Thing
Going To Jesus
Means Satan Is Going To Be Dogging Your Way!
So, Please
Keep Praying
Keep Trusting!

Trust Gives Growth To Love
And Soon
Satan Will Have To Leave You Alone
At Least For Those Things
For Which
You Did Let Christ's Spill Blood Atone! 

But ... Know This

Give No Place To The Devil!
Not An Inch!
Not Even A Scratch!
When He Calls
Ask Jesus To Answer
He Will Run From You Far!

No One Has To Die Without Jesus!
No One Has To Face The Judgement Alone!
Jesus Pleads His Blood For The Faithful
The Father Accepts
His Beloved Son's Spilt Blood - It truly Atones!

Will You Pray With Me?!

Our Father
Up In Heaven
We On The Earth
Accept The Promise
Offered To Us
In Jesus Christ's Spilt Blood!
Here Is A New Resident
For The Eternal Kingdom
Who Desires Forgiveness
From The God Who Is Love ...! 

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