
Saturday, July 22, 2017

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Victory In Jesus: Trust The Word! + Prayer: Lord, Guide Us!

Please Draw Nigh!

All Ye That Love
The Lord Of Life
Have No Reason
- By Reason Of Faith -
At The Injustices Done
To Yourselves To Cry!

Let Us Bless God
For Truth And Light
And Let Us Live Our Lives
So That He In Us Will Find Delight!

Easy For You To Say!

Easier Said Than Done!

Brethren, No!
She Speaks The Truth!
We Need To Think Vertically!
Think Of The Two Yutes!


Young Ones!

Who Are These Young Ones
We Need To Think Of?!

Who Were The Two Young Men
Who Championed The God Of Heaven
Even In The Midst Of Sorrow And Seeming Disgrace?!

I Know, I Know!
Joseph And Daniel!

These Young Men
Did Not Stand On Ceremony!

Joseph Did Not Take The Bait
Against His God
To Commit Adultery!

Daniel Walked Upright
In His Integrity
Not Permitting
The Machinations Of The Minions
To Stop Him
From Saying His Daily Prayers
To The God Of All Creation

Before That
He Chose Not To Defile Himself
By Eating Drinking
Swine And Wine!

Both Of These Noble Men
Were By Very Evil
Set Upon
BUT GOD ...!
But God What?!

Question For You ...

Did God
A. Stop Joseph's Brethren From Trying To Kill Him
B. From Selling Him Into Slavery
C. From Potiphar's Wife Trying To Seduce Him
D. From His Being Wrongfully Accused
E. From His Being Cast Into Prison
F. From His Being Forgotten By The Baker
G. From His Languishing In Prison?

No, No, No, No ... On All Counts!
On The Issue Of Daniel:

Did Daniel's Unyielding Faith And Trust
In The Holy God
Stop Him From:

A. Being Carried Into Babylonian Captivity
B. Being Confronted With The Unclean Diet Of The King
C. Being Targeted By Jealous, Wicked, Men
D. Being Spied Upon
E. Being Caught In The Web Of Evil And Deceit
F. Being Arrested
G. Being Tried
H. Being Condemned
I. Being Cast Into A Den Of Hungry Lions
J. Spending His Entire Life As A Captive
K. Being A Captive Even Though It Was In  Gilded Cage?

A Thousand Times ... No!
But, Why?!

It Seems Kinda Unfair
Rewarding Devotion And Fidelity 

With Red Torment!

Red Torment! I Like That!
What Does Mean?!

Everyday Torment Is Black
No Chance Of Being Killed ...!

... So Red Torment Means
Life On The Line
High Possibly Of Bloodshed
Leading To Death!

You've Got It In One!


Almighty God
- Our Lord -
Could Have 

STOPPEDJoseph From Being Set Upon By His Brethren
From Being Cast Into A Dry Well
From Being Sold As A Slave
From Being Separated From His Beloved Father!

Sounds A Lot Like Jesus, Doesn't It?!

It Should Make Us Think!

Almighty God
Could Have ...!

... He Didn't!

... But Didn't Stop
Daniel From Being The Flint
That Lit
The Dried Out Straw Of Raw Jealousy!

Think For A Moment
On True-Hearted Abel!
Moses In The River Nile!
Moses' 40 Years In The Training School Of God Before
The 40 Years Wilderness Experience!

Sad ...!
He Didn't Enter The Earthly Promised Land!

Rejoice ...!
 Before His Body Saw Corruption
Jesus As Michael Took Him
- After Rebuking Satan -
To The Heavenly Promised Land!

Take A Look Also
At Moses' Successor Joshua!
IF Ever There Is A Lesson For Us
It Is That!

What On Earth Do You Mean?
What Happened Just Before
The Big Battle Of Joshua's Career?

Do You Mean Before Jericho?!


He Had A Confrontation
With "The Unknown!"

And ...?!

He Uttered The Challenge:

"Are You For Us Or For Them?!"

And ...?!

The Response Was Swift
All Of God's Children
Should Take It To Heart
Raise The Standard Of Truth
The Pennant Of Faith
No Matter What It Is
With Which We Are Confronted!

Remove Your Shoes!
You Are On Holy Ground!
The Captain Of Heaven's Hosts
Is Here!
Stand Firm!
Listen To 
Do Exactly What I Say
Your Victory Over Sin Shall Appear!

Jericho Is Synonymous With Sin!
The Captain Of Heavens Hosts
ISThe Eternal
Christ Jesus!
Shoes Off On Holy Ground

Nothing Between
You And God's Word

You And Christ!

When You Are Rooted And Grounded
You Will Stand Firm
In Jesus Christ's Faith
The Thick And High Walls
Of The Devil's City Of Sin!

Did Joshua Believe?
Did Joshua Take Heed?
Did Joshua Execute
On The Word Of Preparation Given By The Lord?
Did Joshua Fight Valiantly?
Did Joshua - In The Name Of The Holy God -
Defeat The Citadel Of Satan?
Did Joshua Claim
The Promised Land
The Great Reward?!

Indeed He Did!

Praise God For Grace And Coming Glory!

Don't Start Rejoicing Just Yet
In Every Lesson
There Is A Tale Of Caution!

The Cautions Today
Are Two!
In Joshua ... Remember Achan
Though A Citizen
Of The Household Of God
Trusted Himself To Provide
His Own Financial Security
Gave Up Sure Paradise
For The Lie
Which Lies In
The Goodly Babylonian Garment
- The Lies Of The Father Of Lies -

The Perishable
Silver On Top Of Gold
Which Must
From Detection
Must Be Hidden
Under The Desert Sand Floor Boards!


That's Just Wrong!

Better Off Waiting For The Fulfillment Of The Promise!
Do You Know What Happens
To Those Who Would Be
God's Traffic Director?!

Lots Are Cast Against Them
Aka They Are Found Out
And They Are Denounced
For Troubling The Camp Of God
And Are Condemned
And Are Led Outside
The Camp Of The Righteous!

AND ...?!

And They Are Summarily Destroyed!

He Shouldn't Have Touched The Unclean Thing!
He Should Have Stood Firm
Just Like Daniel!

Achan Should Have Awaited
God's Appointed Crown Of Glory ...!

... And Could Have
- Like Joseph -
Saved Many
From The Congregation Of The Righteous
From The Strangers' Realm
Giving Them The Bread Of Salvation
So That For The Kingdom
Hungering Souls
May Be To Satisfaction
Be Completely Fed!

This Is Interesting!

We Started With Joseph And Daniel

We Are Finishing The Same Way
Giving Credence
To The Truth Of The Word Of God:

Line Upon Line
Precept Upon Precept
Here A Little
There A Little!

The Hid Treasure Is Revealed

We Will
Trust The Living God
With Our Living

ANDOur Lives To Lead!
So ...

With That Said
What Have You Learnt Today?

Walk By Faith!
Don't Trust Your Eyesight!

Wisdom Builds A Sure House!
Don't Lean On Your Own Understanding!

Almighty God Is The Sure Foundation!

Goodly Babylonian Garments
And Stolen Hidden Silver And Gold 

Do Not Build A Prosperous House
Or Lead To Longevity!

Wait On The Lord!
Trust God And Grow!
Father Knows Best!

Eyesight And Hindsight
Are Not Equal
To The All-Seeing
Of The Eternal God!

Those Are All Very Good Answers!
You Surely Have Been Studying!
Well Done!

Brethren Beloved,
Stand Firm In The Faith Of Jesus Christ

For The Truth
Be Ye Old Or Youth!

Jesus Christ Is The Sure Foundation!
Trust Him At His Word
All The Time
More Particularly

When You Can't See
How Why When Where If
To Sit Stand
Or Walk Run
Or Just Go!

The Righteous Are Never Forsaken!
The Wilfull And Unrighteous
- With Deliberation -
Committedly Forsake God
Receive Into Themselves
Greedy-For-Gain's Just-Condemnation Award!

Any Last Words?

Don't Do A Lucifer
And Take The Adversary Of God Role
You Will Be As Satan
The Lake Of Fire, Then
Will Be Your Goal!

Well Said!

Let's Pray:

Thank You, God

For Truth And Light!
Let Us In Your Word Delight!
Teach Us
Feed Us
Day By Day
Guide Us
So That From Your Living Truth
We Will Never Stray!

Bless Us To Do Your Will

This Day
Keep Us Safe
Forever In Your Care
In Jesus' Holy Name, We Plead!
We Love You, Lord!
Haste The Glad Day Of Redemption!
We See Our Need! 

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