
Monday, September 11, 2017

Buying Peace!?! + PRAYER ... For Guidance!

... And I Went To The Village Shop
To Buy A Little Peace!

A Piece Of What!?!

A Piece Of Peace!

Mercy, Lord! Mercy!
You Can't Buy A Little
Far Less A Lot Of Peace
Definitely Not
In The Village Shop!
What's Wrong With You?!

I NEED Peace!

Okay, Then!
You NEED Jesus!

I Already Got Jesus!

Alright, Then!
You Need JESUS!

I Said I Have ...!

...If You Really HAD Jesus
You Would Really HAVE Peace!

I Go To Church Regularly!
I Pay Tithes And Offerings!
I Do Work On Four Committees!
I Run The Dorcas League!
I Teach Bible School!
I Sing In The Church Choir!
I'm In The Singing Band!
I Sponsor Three Orphans!
I Work Hard For Jesus!
I've GOT Me Some Jesus!

What You've Got
Is A Heart For Church Work
Have You Given Your Heart To Jesus?!

Have You Confessed Your Sin

Turned Away From Sinning?!

Do You Say Your Prayers
Really Communing With The Lord?!
Do You Read And Study The Living Word

Are You Walking In Faith With The Lord?

Ahhh... Uh mmm!

Thought So!

Jesus Said:

My Peace I Give Unto You!

You Can't Get It For Yourself!
Money Can't Buy It!
Intellect Can't Assume It!
Man's Vaunted Wisdom Can't Avail Itself Of It!

Peace Is A Gift!
And, Furthermore
Within Peace
Is Forgiveness Of Sin
Joy In Jesus
Rest ... For The Soul!

There Is No Peace For The Wicked
No Matter How Much You Go To Church
And Say
Lord! Lord!

There Is No Peace
No Joy In This Life
Without Forgiveness For Sin!

Peace Comes Of The Love Relationship
With Our Lord!

So, Pray Tell
How Come I'm Now Hearing This
... And From A Pedestrian ... Like You!?!

Nobody Ever Told Me
That Forgiveness Of Sin
Is Tied Up In Peace!
All I Ever Heard ... Hear 

Is Do Good Works!
Be Kind!
Be Helpful!
Share With The Poor ...!

Sweetie, All That Is Going To Get You
Is A Free Berth In The Lake Of Fire!

Are You Mad?!
I've Devoted My Life To The Church ...!

... But You Have Not Given Over
- Surrendered -
Your Life To The Lord Christ!

Just Doing Church Work
Not Surrendering To God
- In Christ Jesus -
Is Like Going To Work For A Corporation
Faithfully Working
Without Them Knowing That They Hired You!
There Ain't No Paycheck With Your Name On It!

How Straaange ... I Thought God Knew Everything!

Almighty God Does, Indeed
Know Everything
BUT ...
You Still Have To Finalize The Transaction
By Sending Him The Word Of Your Agreement!
You Have To Make The Verbal Commitment!
Word Is Bond!

If What You Are Saying Is True
- And I Don't Doubt You -
Then ... I Guess Not!

I Was Told 

I Sincerely Believed
That Working For The Lord 
Devotion To God
And That If I Work Faithfully For God
I Will Be Saved By Christ The Lord!
I Am Pleased To Work!

Sorry, My Dear!
Pleasure Ain't Peace!

Peace Is A Gift!
Salvation Is A Gift!
Forgiveness Is A Gift!
The Love Of God Is A Gift!
All Are Compliments Of Jesus Christ
Without These
No Matter How Sincerely You Believed
That Work Is Commitment To God
Without Change
You Will Be Sincerely Lost!
You Cannot Work For God
Live And Play With The Devil!

Read Isaiah 26:3!
The Lord Will Keep You In Perfect Peace
If Your Mind Is Stayed
-Anchored -
On Him
You Trust In Him!

And ...

Without Forgiveness Of Sin
You Are At War With God!
Sooo ... No Peace!

That Is So Unfair!
I Didn't Know That I Had To Confess Sin

Repent Of Sin
To Get Forgiveness
To Gain ... Peace!

You Know Now, Love!

Now I Know!
I've Been So Very, Very, Miserable!
I Was Getting Desperate!

You Would Have To Have Been Desperate
To Go To The Village Shop
To Buy
"A Piece Of Peace!"

Yuh Think!!


Grant Us Your Grace, Lord!
Give Unto Us
The Treasured Gift Of Your Peace!
Bless Us To Do Your Will
From Sin
Grant Us Needed Relief!

We Are Willing Workers, Father!
Please Guide Us Along The Way
Help Us To Speak Peace
Whatever It Is
- In Your Name -
That We Do And Say!

Remember The Brethren
Those Near And Those Far
Bless Them
According To Your Will
So That They Will Trust
The Word
Our Savior's Interceding
As We Against
The Devil And Sin

Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Against The Holy God
Bless Us
Lord, Bless
To Have Faith
Our Trusty Conveyance
Our Always-Fueled
Motor Car!

We Love You, Lord
In Jesus' Name, We Humbly Plead!

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