
Saturday, September 2, 2017

STAGECRAFT: Life-Raft ... Jesus!

If The World Is Just A Stage
Men and Women Merely Players 
Then All God Had To Do
Was Give The Bit Players Their Measly Pay Checks
And Let Them Go
- Eternally Lost -
For Their Stellarly Mediocre Performances
Save His Only Begotten Son
The Torturous Pain Of Ignominious Death 
For A Bunch Of Ingrates
Who Daily Indulge
In That Terrible Crime Of Mind Death
For Following Satan's Click-Bait!

Wow! I See Where You're Going!

It's Not A Path Pretty
But It's True
For In Earthly Understanding
Lousy Scripts
Poor Directing
Pedestrian Casting
Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Actors 
Inappropriate Costuming
Bad Lighting
Sketchy Props
All Work Together To Make The Play Performed
A Colossal Flop
From Bad Reviews
Resulting The Termination Of Actors
The Shutting Down Of The Franchise 
For It Cannot Be Saved!

Investors Will Want Their Money Back
The Principals Will Seek To Do Damage Control
The Chairman Of The "This Is It!" Board
- Having The Final Word -
Will Say:

"Trash It All! 
There Is No Saving This Play Today!"

Hit Men Are Dispatched!
Targets Try To Hide
Since This Scenario Is Devil Drama
All Are Caught
Terminated ... With Extreme Prejudice
Another Batch Of The Wannabe-Famous Start Rehearsals
The Self Same Play Motion Picture Circus Block Buster
That Is A Loss Leader
For The Hocked-Horse Feeders!

Do You Smell Sulfur?!

I Smell A Set-Up!

Tell Men The Grand Lie! 

Man Live! Man Die!
There Are No Options!
There Is No Teacher Of Stage-Craft!
There Is No Investor Relationship!
There Is No Reemergence From Neither A Technical Foul
Nor A Clinical Fall!

There Are No Study-Buddies
To Help With The Learning Of One's Lines 
There Is No Wardrobe-Master Extraordinaire
To Attire One To Perfection
The Opening Of The Perfect Play!

It's Sad When You Don't Know
That The "Trusted" Prop Master
Is The Licensed Glorified Fraud
That The Writer Of The Script Is A Known Pain Junkie
All The Backers Are In On
Flip The Script ...!

... When You Don't Know
That Ringers Are Cast Members
Card-Carrying Demons To Boot
Big Boy Basil
- The Fixer -
Is The One Who Gives The Signal Always 
The Player Station To Savagely Loot!

I Thank God
- The Living Loving God -
For Being Real
Kind And Divine!

I Am Thankful That This World Is Not Run
For The Benefit Of Demon aka
Angel Investors
Who Loot And Boot At Will
By Whimsy!

I Thank God For The Lord Jesus Christ
Who Loves Us
- You AND Me -
Blood-Bought Real!

I'm Thankful For
The Plan Of Salvation
The Good Book Of Blessings
The Legacy Of The Old Saints
Who Before Passed This Way
I'm Thankful For The Institution Of Prayer
The Indwelling Holy Spirit ... Teacher
The Influence And Protection Of Holy Angels
Who Help Me Walk
On The Straight And Narrow Way!

I Thank God For Truth
For Present Grace
For Evident Mercy
And For Coming Glory!

I Shall Be Eternally Grateful
The Good News
The Gospel Story!

I Hear THAT!!

Let's Go And Tell Someone The Truth!

Yes! Let's Give Satan
The Lost-Himself-A-Heart Attack!

Let's Blow!

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