
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Devil Didn't Make Me Do It! + PRAYER: Father, I ... Sinned Against Thee!

I Had The Decided Privilege
To Be Born In The Era
Where One Was Responsible
One's Own Actions!

I Now Live In The Era
Where It Is Acceptable Reasoning
To Accuse Another
Causing The Bad Behavior
That I, Myself 
- Unpaid
Unaided -

God Help Us!

It Is Time That Man From Sin
Gets Himself An Acrimonious Divorce!

If The Living God
In His Living Word Says

How In The Name Of All That Is Holy
Could Another Be The Cause Of What I
- In Exercise Of My Own 
Will And Choice -
Have Done?

Note Whose SIN ... IT ... IS!!

If We Will But Look ... Closely
We Will See ... Plainly
The Very Hand Of Satan The Arch-Deceiver
In This Very Posturing!

Satan Has Pretty Much Accused
The Almighty God
For Causing Sin In The World
Because The Almighty God
Did Not Allow Satan Into His Private Counsels
In Essence
For Not Allowing Satan To Be
Almighty God!
Ergo ... Almighty God Caused
Causes Sin!

You Go And Kill Somebody
Because Somebody
Had Something That You Wanted
Because That Somebody
Would Not Give Unto You
Their Personal Property
They Caused You To Kill Them
By Not Giving Unto You
What Was Not Yours To Own
But Theirs!

Here Is The Phrase:

Idiocy ... Thy Name Is Human!

If Personal Ownership Of Sin
Was Not The Right Thing
In God's Sight
Then There Was No Need
For A Savior
A Need For Confession Of Sin
For The Living God
To Be Faithful ... And Just
To Forgive Us Our Sin
To Cleanse Of All Unrighteousness!

When Are We
- As So Called Free-Thinkers -
Men And Women Of Vision And Wisdom
Going To Buy A Penny Clue
Become Men And Women
Of Truth And Honest Integrity!

You Commit Murder
You Steal
You Bear False Witness
You Covet
You Worship Idols
You Dishonor Your Parents
You Commit Adultery
You Take God's Name In Vain
You Break The Sabbath
You Have Your Own Selves As God
You Blame Others?!?!

No! No!
A Thousand Times ... NO!!


Heavenly Father,
I Am A Sinner!
I Committed The Sin!
I Knew What I Was Doing!
I Was The Way To Life Forsaking!

I Bow My Head In Abject Shame!
My Heart Burns In Me In Sorrow!
I Dishonored My Holy God
Without Christ For My Savior
I Know That I Should Burn
You Are The God Holy
You Are The God True
I ... I Forsake The Way Of Damnation
Lay My Soul Down In Sacrifice
Before You!

Forgive Me, Father!
The Sin Is My Own!
I Acted Alone!
Please Accept My Sorrow
For My Sin
The Great Sacrifice
For My Forgiveness
As Paid For
By Your Beloved Son
Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Did For My Sin
Did - Alone - Atone!

I Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy And Bless
Cleanse Me
From All Unrighteousness!
In Jesus Christ's Name
I Pray And Plead
Help Me To Walk
In Christ-Like Integrity!

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