
Saturday, September 30, 2017


For All The Brethren
Facing ... Life's Storms!

Bow Your Head In Faith!
Say A Prayer With Hope!
With Our Beloved Lord 
Jesus Christ
Who Is Our Peace
We Shall Weather The Storm
His Word Stills The Winds
Calms The Seas
Comforts Hearts Forlorn!

Yes! The Storm Is Raging!
Yes! The Day Seems Bleak!
Yes! Your Heart Is Troubled
King Jesus Speaks:

Oh, Weary One
Cease Your Fretting!
I Created The Wind!

Oh, Fearful One
Cease Your Murmuring
I Gave You The Voice
With Which You're Speaking!

My Ways Are Not Your Ways
Neither Are Your Thoughts Mine!
I AM God!

Be It Storm Of Wind
Flood Fire
Test Tempest

I Made It All!
I AM God!

Trust Me!
The Battle Is Mine!
Hold On To Your Hope In Me!
Lean On My Love For You!
I AM The Lord!
You Get The Good!
I Get The Glory!
In Me Is Your Bliss!

Gold Is Tried In Fire!
Clay Must Be Molded To Shape!
Rocks Are Piled On Each Other 
Before A Sturdy Wall May Take Shape!

Cloth Must Be Cut To Make A Garment!
Beans Must Be Boiled To Make A Stew!
New Wine Must Be Poured In New Bottles
And For You To Live With Me
I Must Make You Anew!

Change Is Never Easy
Never Comfortable! 
A Shoe Will Pinch
Before It Wears Well! 
Sugar Salt Leavening
Must Be Used Judiciously
Or One Will Not Have
Good Eating Bread!

You Are Being Prepared
For Your New Life! 
These Things Are In My Counsel
I AM God!
Take Not The Shortcut To Glory
As The Devil
And Soon
You Shall See Your Great Reward!

By Faith
With Humility
See To Your Labors! 
Pray! Call On Me! 
I AM Here!
Trust Not Your Feelings
Your Eyes
Your Eyesight! 
Trust Me! 
I AM Your Light!
I Will Heal You Of Your Fears!
Cast Upon Me Your Cares!

Take My Peace!
I Give It!
It Passes Human Understanding!
Take My Hand!
Let Me Lead You Home!
Take Daily Grace
For Each Day's Journeying
And You Won't Have To Live
With Remorse

As You Through This Life Doth Course!

Mercy For You Is A Given!
Call On Me!
I AM With You All The Way!
You Are Not Alone!
I Give Unto You Of My Spirit!
Heed The Teaching!
The Chastening!
Listen And Follow!
I AM Leading!
I Make For You The Sure Way!

Humble Yourself
Under My Hand!
I AM Mighty
Mighty To Save!
I Know All
Am In All
I See All
Believe In Me!
Heed The Salvation Call!

Walk By Faith! 
You May Stumble
But Trust In Me

I Shall Not Let You Fall!

Your Way To Eternal Life
Is Not A Smooth Walk
For, Beloved
You Are Climbing To Zion Hill!
You Need Foot Holds
Hand Holds
Clefts In The Rock For Shelter!
On A Smooth And Sheer Face
You Have Nothing
Upon Which Your Foot
Your Hand 

Your Body
To Place!

You Have The Choice!
Climb Rough With Me 

Enduring All
Or Try Ascending

By Walking Smooth With Sin
And Assuredly 

Please See Yourself
As An Evergreen Tree
As A Deep-Rooting Desert Palm! 
Send Down Your Roots Into Me
The Living Giving Water
And Live
The Water Of Life
For Life

From Me
Is Flowing Free!

The Desert Wind
Blowing Sun-Heated Sand
May Sting You!
Scorpions In Your Roots
May Make A Nest!
Give Unto Me Your Vexations
And Soon
- Overcoming - 
Settled In Spirit
By My Grace
You Shall Rest
And By Me
You Shall Surely Be Blessed!

Take Heed!
The Angels Are Watching Over You!
Let Them Influence You 
For Your Eternal Good! 
Trust In The Lord!
Walk In Faith
With Your Heavenly Companions
You Shall Reach Home
The Haven Of Rest
Forever Blessed Of Your Lord!

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding!
Lean On Me!
I AM The Eternal!
The One Holy!
The Living God!

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