
Saturday, October 7, 2017

SING ... This Song Of The Blessed Assurance!

Blessed Assurance
I'm Resting In My God!
I'm Thankful For Peace
Mercy Joy And Love!
I'm Blessed By God's Goodness
I'm Washed In Christ's Blood
I Am Of Sin Forgiven
And I'm Going To The Home Above!

Listen To My Story! 
Hear Me Sing A Good News Song! 
I'm Praising My Savior
For At Sin I Now Frown! 
I Was A Bold Sinner! 
Now Saved By Grace Am I
And I'm Walking To Zion
To Arrive There By And By!

The Call To Salvation Went Out
And I Heard The Word! 
I Saw My Need Of The Savior
And Left The Wild Goat Herd!
Of Sin I Repented
And Confession I Made
And By God's Great Goodness
In Forgiveness
I'm Bathed!

My Brother, My Sister
Please Heed The Holy Spirit's Call! 
The Angels Will Protect You
God Won't Let The Faithful Few Fall!
Satan Is The Liar! 
Sin Is A Life Thief! 
Lies Are The Lasso! 
Christ Is Relief 'n Release!

Tell Another The Story! 
Sing For The Doubting Brethren The Song! 
Let's Sing Of Our Savior
He's Coming E'er Long! 
Signs Are Fast Showing! 
Satan Knows He Has A Date
And Those Who Choose Jesus
Won't Share The Damned Fraud's 
Sure Fate!

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