
Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Ooh, My Heart Is Torn!
My Heart Is Fixed!
My Heart Is Oh, So, Torn!
My Heart IS Fixed!
Ooh, My Heart, My Heart ...!

Okay! You Can Stop Now!

Please, Just Permit Me One More Cry!

Sigh ... Very Well.

Oh, Lord, My Heart, My Heart
Is Torn For My Brethren!
But, Lord,
My Heart, My Heart
Is Fixed On You!
I Have Chosen The Way Of Truth!

You Are The God Holy
My Savior Redeemer Friend
The God Eternal
Maker Of Heaven And Earth
And Us Creatures Called Men
In Our Puffed Up Arrogance
Are Not Satisfied 

With The Daily Dalliance With Disobedience
But Have Gone Over The Pale
And Have Placed You
- The One Living God -
In Equality
With The Useless Manufacturings
Of Devil-Inspired 
Women And Men!

I Know By Faith That I Can Call Your Name!
You Hear Me!
You See Me!
You Smell Me!
You Feel For Me!
You Touch Me!
You Came Down To My Level
To Mark My Way Up
To Your Lofty Throne!
You Cried ... You Cry Over Me!
You Bled For Me!
You Died For Me!
You Arose From The Dead
So That I May Wear The Righteous Robe
You Are At The Right Hand Of The Father
Interceding For Me And My Kind
What Are We Doing
But Exposing The Nakedness Of Our Behinds
Saying We Are Rich
We Are Increased With Goods
We Have Need Of Nothing
Including Your Holy Love
We Are Poor, Wretched, Miserable, Blind
And, Indeed
Without Common Shame
- Naked -
Exposed To The World
In The Cross Hairs Of The Damned Devil
Ready To Permanently Bathe In
And Be Consumed By Hot Rocks
From Which There Is No Escaping!

Help Us To Remember
Sodom And Gomorrah
The Dwelling Place Of Righteous Lot

So That We, Too
Do Not Suffer The Eternal Blot!

Lord, Remove From Me 
The Way Of Lying 
Grant Unto Me The Gift Of
Love For Thy Law! 

I'm Done Now!
Give Me A Hug! 
I Need To Feel God's Love! 

There, There! 

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