
Sunday, December 3, 2017

From Sacrifice To Higher Ground + PRAYER: Lord, Grant Me The Victory Over Sin!

From Sacrifice To Celebration
From Punishment To Prosperity
From Petition To Power
From Faith To Sight
From Hope To Help
From Sin To Salvation
From The Mire To The Ground Higher
Is The Life Of The Sinner Repentant
Now Saint
Walking Circumspectly
Working Diligently
Waiting Patiently
Watching Vigilantly
Warning Others
Denying The Liar
Willing To Be
What The Lord Christ Wants Him To Be
Conforming To The Pattern Of Excellence
As Seen In The One True
Who Is Way
Coming Back To Earth
To Claim His Own With Usury
He Who Goes To The Great Reward
Will Take The Profit Of His Labor With Him
To Be Revealed On The Great Day Of
God's Settlement Of Accounts!


Father Of The Faithful,
Most Holy God 
Who By Personal Blood Sacrifice
Destroyed Death Hell And The Fraud
We Believing Christians
Captured By Pure Love
Approach Unto You
Diligently Pray
In This
Mercy's Closing Hour
For The Power 
That Is Readily Available
Provided To Us
For Us To Escape The Foul Ground
Being Held Out To Us As Hallowed
By Those Workers Of Iniquity
Who Judiciously Plead 
Keeping The Law Of God
Reading The Living Word
Loving The Lord Of Life
Seeking The Kingdom Of God 
Calling It All
A Thing To Be Held Light  ... Not Laud!

You Created Us, Lord! 
You Didn't Have To!

You Provide For Us, Lord!
You Don't Have To!

You Protect Us, Lord! 
You Don't Have To!

You Sustain Us, Lord! 
You Don't Have To!

You Sacrificed Your Best
So That We Are Blessed
When We Repent And Confess
Our Lord Jesus Christ
And Acknowledge
And Accept 
That Life In Jesus Christ
Is Our Only Way
To Spiritual Success
And Convicted
And Converted
Walk On In His Light
Which Leads Away From Eternal Night!

We Acknowledge 
Accept Your Love! 
We Hallow The Tears You Shed Over Us
We Repent That We Are The Ones 
Who Caused And Still Are Causing You 
Great Pain And Shame
By Our Very Apparent Unwillingness
To Turn Away From The Unclean Thing
We Seem Not To Be Able To Recognize
What Is Holy
From What Is Profane
What Is Salvation 
From What Is Eternal Shame
What Is Truth
From What Is A Snake-Skin Beauty
What Is Sure Hell
From What Is Known Glory
Who Is God 
From Who Is The Fraud!

We Are As Deaf Adders
Unwilling To Be Charmed! 
We Are Wretched Poor
Miserable Blind
And Assuredly
We Are Clouds Without Rain!
We Are Barren Fruit Trees!
We Are Unproductive Land!
We Are Salt With No Savor! 
We Are Lights Under Bushels! 
We Are Unprofitable Servants
Who Show Up For Work
But Refuse To Labor!

Oh, Lord
Help Us
We Are But Men
Mere Children Thinking Foolish Things
Not Recognizing That There Is A Time
For Everything Under The Sun!

We Read The Signs Of The Weather
But Are Unable To Discern
The Signs Of The Times!

We Have Taken Your Labor, Lord
And Have Wasted It
In Riotous Living
And, Now
Now, Lord
That There Is A Creeping Famine
For The True Words Of Life
We Are Willing To Eat Pig's Food
To Stay Alive - Pity Us!

Pity Us, Lord
Open Our Understanding!
Let Wisdom Enter In
So That Our True Condition
May Be Revealed
And, We ... Broken
May Remember
That The Servants In Your House
Are Fed In Abundance

And Then Individually Say
With A Broken And Contrite Heart:

I Have Sinned Against Thee
And Against Heaven! 
I Cast Myself On Your Free Mercy! 
Please Forgive Me
Renew Me
Take Me Back Into The Safe Fold
Bless Me
Protect Me
For I Know Truly
That In You
I Am Made Whole! 

Forgive My Myriad Backslidings!
Forgive My Walks In Own Way!
Forgive My Poor Attempts At Self-Regulation
Accept This Old Sinner's Prayer
For I See My Need
I Accept That I Cannot
My Self
Nor My Own Soul Save!

You Are My Lord
My Savior 
My Redeemer
My King 
Help Me, Lord
Help Me
To The Edge Of Your Garment
To Cling
So That I May Be Forever Healed
In The Coming Day Sealed
So That When Your Glory Shall Be Revealed
I Shall Not Be As Those Who Will Keen!

Jesus Died That I May Have Life! 
Jesus Arose 
So That I May Tear Off Sin's Clothes!
Jesus Ascended
So That I To The Father May Draw Close
As My Advocate With Father
Making My Pardon Sure
I Shall
From His Hand
In The Day Of Atonement 
Receive And Wear
Righteous White Robes!

Oh, Lord
Grant Unto Me
My Victory Over Sin
For I Give Unto My Will
For You To Carry Me
In The Upward Way
Straight Narrow
Hard But True
I Desire To Dwell
With You!

I Love You, Lord! 
Have Mercy And Bless
For In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Pray
And Humbly Plead! 

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