
Friday, December 1, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + Feats And Counterfeits!

I Met A Man!
He Thought He Was Super!
I Met A Woman!
She Thought Herself A Wonder!
I Met Myself In The Old Mirror
I Thought
Oh, Lord
How Much Longer?!

A Hamanesque He-Man Knocked At My Door!
He Was Assuredly A Marvel!
A She-Ra-Like Jezebel Was At His Right Hand
On The Issue Of Faith
They Did Much
Supposedly To Make Me Want On Jesus To Cavil
 - To No Avail -
To Say To My Soul's Salvation
"Good Night!"BUT
I Remembered The Words Of Love
From My Father Above:

I Love You, My Beloved Child!
You Are The Apple Of My Eye! 
Say Your Prayers

In The Gift Of Your Measure Of 
The Faith Of Jesus 
Face The Day With Your Portion Of 

The Readily Available Grace Of God
For Untold Blessings Await The Faithful!

There Followed A Battle
For In The Midst
Entered Boldly The Dragon
Obviously Trusting Might And Power
To Make Me In Fear
- Resigned To My Inevitable Loss -

I, Then, Traveled The Well-Worn
Brightly Marked
Path Of Prayer
In The Name Of Jesus

Oh, Lord
Pilot Me
For In Godly Fear I Come To Thee
Assured Of Victory
For The King Of Love
The Shepherd Of Rest
The God Of My Salvation
Gives Good Gifts
Ever Always The Best!

Nothing Wavering
- For Doubt Was Out -
I Looked Up
I Now Live To Tell The Truth Of My Salvation
At The Hand Of Heavenly Love!

The Dogs Of Damnation
The False God Who On Faith Makes War
Move Like A Flood
Creating A Pall In The Atmosphere
To Block The Light Of Life
The Lamp That Shows The Way For Faithful Feet To Go
The Light That Discloses
Illuminates The Narrow Path
Upon Which Only Those Living The Life Of The Saved
Will Intimately Know!

My Maker, The King
Opened My Eyes
I Looked
I Saw
That Those That Were With Me
Were More Than Those That Were With Them
AND IWith Renewed Strength
Absolutely Knowing
That The Battle Was The Lord's
Shouted The Battle Cry:

Jesus Christ IS Lord!
He By Death Ransomed Me!
Truth Is In My Inward Parts! 
I Have Tasted Heaven
Heaven Is In My Heart!

Hell Huffed And Puffed
The Hounds Couldn't Tear My House Down
AND I ...I Was Standing
Firm And Deep
In My Savior's Love!

Prayer Had Changed Things
I Was Holding The Fort
For Jesus, Himself, Had Signaled
That He Was Coming Again
- For Eternity -
Redeem Me!

I Sent Back My Signal:

I Am Thine, Oh, Lord! 
Draw Me Nearer
Nearer, My God, To Thee
Nearer Still Nearer
Close To Thy Heart!

Lord, Lift Me Up! 
Revive Me Again! 
I Give You My All
For In You
I Know I Shall Stand
I Have A Home In Glory Land!
I Have A House Not Built With Hands
Close To The Tree Of Life
Where Living Waters Flow!

Brethren, Listen Carefully
For I Will Tell You True
That Life's Dungeons Always Have Dragons
That Comic Book Characters Are
To Make Men Think That They Can
Overcome Sin
Overcome Self
By Vain Imaginings
BUTWhich Are Sure To Make Enquiring Minds
Seeking Into Things
Not Given To Man To Know
To Make Shipwreck Of Faith!

Man Will Never Walk Through Walls!
Spirits Do! 

Man Is Not Immortal!
The Godhead
- Father Son Holy Ghost - 

Satan Cannot Read Your Mind!
The All-Knowing God Can And Does!


Neither Satan Nor His Angels
Nor Devil-Possessed Men Can Give Life!
The Almighty God Does!

Please Refer To The Plagues Of Egypt
In These You Will See
Just How Far The Devil's Sorcerers Can Go
Therein You Shall Also See
That The Mighty Power Of God
Cannot Be Counterfeited
That God's Glory
Will Not Be Shared With Another
That The Rod Of God
Will Consume The Illusory Snakes
Those Staffs Of The Devil
The Offscourings Of
The Workers Of Planned Sin
Those Workers Of Iniquity!

Stay Out Of The Devil's Playground
Smoke And Mirrors Are Stock and Trade!
Bells And Whistles Are Calling Card!
Mash-Up No Buy-back Is The Way Of The Damned
Wise UP! Look UP! Go UP!
Is The Way Of
The Son Of God
The Sun Of Righteous
The Son Of Man!

Let No One Deceive YOU!
Let No One Steal YOUR Crown!
Let No One Steal YOUR Joy In The Lord
For ... Soon
He Is To Earth
Coming Back  Down
For A People Prepared To Meet Their God
To Forever Destroy
Death Hell
Satan The Fraud!

Don't Look Back! 
Don't Turn Around
In The Name Of Christ Jesus 
Stand Firm On ... Faith's Ground!

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