
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Moral Icebergs!?!

Sooo ... What Are You Really Saying?!

Yeah! Bottom Line It For Us Plainly!

Very Well, Then!
We - Myself Included -
Have Been Behaving Like
Moral Icebergs!


Come Again?!

How, Pray Tell
Do You Have Moral And Iceberg
In The Same Sentence?!

What Is An Iceberg?!

A "Hill" Of Ice
With A Mountain Of Ice Underneath!

Who Are We?!

Christians Aka Christ Followers
Showing The World The Transforming Grace Of God
By Our Changed Lives
Gentle Speech
Cooperative Manners
Kindly Attitude
Helping Hands
And Moral Living!

We Talk The Walk The Talk!
We "Look" Like Christians!
We Use All The Buzz Words
BUT ...We Are
- As I Said Before -
Moral Icebergs!

Our Tops And Bottoms Don't Match!
Neither Do Ours Outs And Ins!
We Are Living A Lie!

Our To-Be Bright Lights Are Giving A Dim Glow
Because The Fuel Is Running Real Low
Because We Don't Visit The Fuel Station
To Get Real Gain To Go
And Tell The World
All About The Love Of Jesus
That We Personally Know!


How Do You Mean ... So?!?!

I Mean ...
What Do You Want Us To Do?!

I Don't Want YOU To Do Anything!

Oh, Dear!

Now You've Gone And Done It!

3 2 1
Lift Off!

Jesus Christ Gave Us Clear Words
Showed Clear Ways For Us
In Christian Growth
To Prosper
But, We
Saying That We Will Walk In The World
To Convert The World To The Church
Instead Being Converted To The World!
Oooh! I Could Hurl!

Please Don't! 

We Understand You!
We Agree With All That You Say
The Evidence Is All Around Us
And We Know That We Can No Longer
Conduct God's Business 
In This Unseemly Way!

Know This ...

Judgment Begins At The House Of God
With Truth As My Light
I Shall - With God's Blessing -
Correct My Shortcomings
Before My Lord Christ Comes
As The Unexpected Thief In The Night!

It Is Time To Rid Ourselves Of The Blight!
Let Us Be True
TELLING Others That We Are True
Obedience To The Eternal God 
Be Daily Renewed
So That All Observing Us Will Know
That Our Words And Our Actions Are Tuned
By The Spirit Of The Holy God
They  ... Inspired
Will Desire
With The Lord Jesus Christ
Also To Commune!

Remember ...

We Are Seeking After Eternal Rewards!

I Don't Know About Anybody Else
But  ... I Am With You!


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