
Thursday, December 14, 2017

PRAYER: Father, Our Strength Is Little!

I Come To You, Father!
I Call You Lord And God!
I Bless You For The Blessings
I Am Grateful For The Grace
I Am So Thankful To Know
That To Me
You Will Never Act The Fraud!

I See You Now
Through A Glass
But In Faith
I Look To The Great Day
When I Shall See My Jesus
In Peace
Face To Face!

Until That Day, Father
Be My Guardian And My Guide
Bless Me To Do Your Bidding
As I, In Your Love

In Hope And By Faith
- Striving For The Mastery
That Is Victory Over Sin -
Do Abide!

Help Me to Wait, Lord
Ever Always On You
For You Know All
See All
Are In All
You Are My All And All
By Your Grace-Filled Blessing
I Seek Ever To Answer:

"Yes, Lord! I Am Listening!"

When I Hear Your Soft And Sweet Voice

Remember My Brethren 
Near And Far
Known And Known
Those Already In The Ark Of Safety
Those Now Headed To The Door Still Ajar!

Bid The Children Draw Nigh
Night Is Falling Fast
Help Us Walk Straight
With Endurance
It Is The One God Eternal
Upon whom
Our Soul's Lot Is Cast!

Help Us To Pray Without Ceasing!!
Help Us To Not Love Sleep!
Help Us To Keep Oil In Our Trimmed Lamps
And, Please
Let Peace
The Carrying Of the Peace Of The Good News
The Gospel
Be The Never Worn-Out Shoes
On Our Feet!

Let The Angels Surround Us!
Let The Holy Spirit Indwell
For We Await Our Returning Christ Jesus
Upon Whom Our Thoughts Constant

Our Strength Is Little
But You
Lord God Almighty
Are Eternity-Wide Strong
And We
The Willing Faithful
With You
In Truth
Walk Humbly Along!

Have Mercy, Lord
On Us

For We Hold You
In Godly Fear!

In The Name Of Jesus
We Pray And ... Humbled

We Love You, Lord!

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