
Thursday, December 7, 2017

PRAYER : Keep Me, Lord!

Teach Me!
Lead Me!
Guide Me!
Please Carry Me, Lord
As I Navigate This World Of Sin's Fjord!
Help Me Not From You Turn Away
Nor From The Way Of Truth Stray
Is My Humble Pray This Blessed Day!

Keep Me, Lord
By Thy Dear Side!
Let Me In Your Love Abide
When Trials And Strife Appear
Comfort Me
For To My Heart
You Are Most Precious!
To Me
You Are Most Dear!

Help Me Not To Charge You Foolishly
When The Terrors That Bring Doubt Abuse Me!
Please Help Me To Say
With A Heart Of Love:

"My God Is In Control
He Cares For Me
He Is Keeping Me Safe
I Shall Dwell In The Courts Above!"

And When Naysayers
And Unbelievers Seek
My Righteous Soul To Torment
Help Me Not Take The Path
Of Least Resistance
In The Ways Of The World
Give Vent!
Help Me Stand Tall
In The Hedge Of Protection
With Those Faithful Few
Who Have Accepted The Way To Life Call
Speak Peace
Speak Life
And Thereby
Remove The Vile Wind
From The Sails
The Sailors Of The Denier
My Lord Jesus Christ!

I Love You, Lord!
You Daily
Moment By Moment
Enormously Bless Me
I Thank You For The Mercy
The Love
The Grace
Oh, How I Thank You, Lord
For My Share
Christ's Enduring Faith!

Please Keep Me Grace-Filled
Even Unto To Death
For I Desire To See In Peace
My Lord Wonderful
In Whom
From Whom
By Whom
Is My Forgiveness
My Salvation
My Rest
My Peace
My Hope And My Reward

He Who Is
My Redeemer
My God
Jesus The Christ
Him By Whom
I Am Overcoming
And Shall
With Finality
Overcome Satan The Fraud!

Harken And Do For Me
What Only You
The Holy God Can Do
For I Worship You, Lord!
May The Holy Angels Surround
The Holy Spirit Indwell
In Jesus' Mighty Name
I Pray And Sincerely Plead!

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