
Friday, January 5, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Laboring For The Wind!?!

Clean Yuh Come
Had A Siamese Twin
Whose Name Is
Clean Yuh Shall-Go
Between These Brethren
Their Task Was To Daily Tell
Laboring For DeWind
That His Life
On All Points
A Car With An Engine That Doesn't Go!
That It Will Be At The Winner's Celebration
A Definite No Show!

Laboring For DeWind
Is A Pompous Donkey
An Airs And Graces Parade Horse
Haughty Head Held High
Decorated Tail Swishing In The Air
Stepping Pun De Grecia!
(He Did Important). He Liked Everybody At Him To Look Around!

Problem ...

There Is Always A Problem!
Problem Is
He Thinks He Is Really Smartly Brilliant
He Truly Lacks Common Sense
The More He Has
The More He Wants
His Marriage To Peace N. Rest
Is Being Steadfastly Ripped Apart
Just Like His First Marriage
To Sleep N. Peace!

He Is An Obtusely Greedy Oinker!
He Is Also A Studiously Presumptuous Puppy!
He Loves The Banquet 

The Gluttonous Feast!

One Day ...
There Is Always A ... One Day!

It Was One Of Those Fair To Middling
Neither Hot Nor Cold
Neither Windy Nor Airless
Just About Right Days
When All Is Well
Grass Is Green
Bread Hot
Biscuits Crispy
Butter Smooth
Eyes Sorta Kinda Blinky
When Preacher Ecclesias Ticus
Paid An Unannounced
Time For A Reality Check Visit
To Bigman DeWind
Who Was In His Counting House
Oh, So, Gently
Massaging His Individual Stacks Of Money!

Laboring For DeWind's Favorite Saying Is:

Small Notes Suit Small People!

So There Was Not A Note Smaller Than A Twenty
In The Humongous Pile

The Smile On His Face Was ... Well
Plainly Vile!

You Should Note That ...

When You Have More Head Than Brain
Consider Lack Of Daily Monetary Gain
A Crime Against Conscience
A Thing Sordidly
You Have Crossed The Pale!
You Have Raised Up The False God!
You Have Crossed Into Comeuppance Land
You Are Headed For
House Built On Sinking Sand
Storm Coming
I'm Pedaling Fast
But My Feet Ain't Moving
Soul-Security Check!

Laboring For DeWind
Had The
"What Did God Ever Do For Me!" 

Clean Knocked Out Of Him!

He Cried Foul!
He Cursed The Big Billy Goat!
He Called For His Mama Gotta Virtue
At The End Of It All
He Didn't Have A Groat!

All He Had Was A Black Coat
With A Collar Made Of A Stoat!
He Lost His Big Able Boat
He Had To Get Rid Off All
The Living-Large Luxuries
That Luck Is A Lady
Had Treacherously Rammed Down 

That Open Sepulchre That He Called His Throat!

It Was Not Pretty!
It Was Not Polished!
It Was Not A Performance!
It Was A Plain And Simple:

You Could Be Over And Done With

Your Cup Of Iniquity Is Not Yet Full
The Appeal Of The Father
Is Here!


It Was Not The

"Your Life Is Done!"

Laboring For DeWind
Got The

"Look Here!

Take This Pencil

Go Over Your Life!"

What Is The Total?! 
Check That Sum!

He Peed!
He Pooped!
He Fell And Knocked Out 

A Prized Diamond And Gold Tooth!
He Rolled On The Floor
Winded ... Finally
Cried Out:

I Didn't Know There Was More!
Much More!
I Ate!
I Drank!
I Got ... More And More
Look At Me
At Death's Wide Open Gate Door!

He Was Shook! - Not Shaken!
He. Was. Shook!

Conclusion Of The Whole Matter ...

Fear God!
Don't Labor For The Wind!
You Can't Take "It" With You!
Recognize That
The Living God Holy
Faithful Just Trust
Doesn't Do That Man-Thing Called

Riches Are A Vanity!
Life ... However Long
Is Short
When The Living God Says:


You Ain't Got Nuh Retort!

Bow Before God - He Made You!
Bend Before God - His Is Sovereign Will!
Take The Chastisements That He Graciously Sends You
You Will Not Be A Drop
That Will The Lake Of Fire Fill!

You Are Not Your Own Property
To Do With Your Life As Your Vanity Wills
Simply Put
In The Great Day Of Accounts
Your Own Soul Will
Your Bad Record Spill!

Our Actions Provide The Ink
With Which The Recording Angel
Writes Our Permanent Record!
So, Be Careful
For Everything That We Do
The Good 
The Evil
Will Be Written Down In That Record!

Don't Be A Dunce For A Rotting Dollar Bill! 
Give The Lord Christ Your Will
Satan - In Your Life -
Will Have To Chill
Keep To Himself
His Burnable Dollar Bills!

Call On The Lord Jesus

For Your Own Soul's Salvation

The Holy Spirit
Will Your New Heart Fill!

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