
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

ONE: The Power Of One ...!

One Sin
Any One Sin ... Cherished
Is Sufficient
Has Sufficient Power
To Degrade The Character Of Man
Is Strong Enough To Cause Self
Encourage Others
To Walk Boldly With The Wily Fraud
Despise The Holy God!

All That Any Man Has Or Needs
In This Life
Always Starts With  ONE!

The Thing That Nobody Wants
In This Life
Always Starts With ... ONE! 

How Do YOU Look At ... ONE?! 

One Drop Of Poison
One Bullet From A Gun
One Cruel Wave Of The Sea
One Wrong Answer To The Right Question!
ONE And ... You're Done!

One White Lie
One Black Tale
One Occluding Net
One Broken Sail!
ONE And ... You Fail!

One Bee Sting
One Hornet's Nest
One Venomous Snake Bite
One Broken Headlight!
ONE And ... It's A For-Life-Fight!

One Rejection Letter
One Broken Heart
One Banana Peel
One Peel Of Derisive Laughter!
ONE ... Devious Crafter Of Disaster!

One Don't!
One Run!
One Bun In The Oven
One Mishap
One Miss
ONE ... Mistake!

I Am Sooo Tired Of This ONE!

On The Good Side ...

One God
One Savior
One Comforter
One Heaven
One Salvation
One Hope
One Helper
One Provider
One Teacher
One Great Physician
One Way To The Eternal Home
One Faith
One Baptism
One Right Way
One Narrow Way
One Seasoning Called Salt
One Soon Coming Of Our King
One God To Exalt! 

One Is A Champion
Depending On Right Use ...

A Whip
A Weapon
A Holey Shoe
A Clown Hat
A Riotous Clapback
A Soft Answer

One Rule Of Righteousness
One Right
One Left
One Top
One Bottom
One Back
One Front
One Son Of God Begotten
One Wicked Satan Rotten

One Decision
- Good Or Ill - 
Life With God
Lake Of Fire
No Chaser To Chill!

How Will You Eternity Fill?!
Will YOU Look
Who Will Make Life
In His Eternity
For His Children
An Everlasting Thrill?!

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