
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Common Good Worldly Policy And Man-MadeTraditions Church!

External Piety
Is A Serious Man
A Seriously Religious Man
A Religious Man ... Seriously!

Whenever Anyone Asked External Piety About His Faith
He Would Proudly Speak Of
His Being A Paid-Up Contributing Member Of 
The Common Good Worldly Policy And Man-Made Traditions Church
About How Inclusionary His Church Is
About How Together The Congregation Is
About How There Is A Unity God
- Many Gods One Body -
About How Comfortable The Church Makes Him Feel
- No Judgments Based On God's Truth -
About The Truly Sweet
Truly Smooth Sermons "Talked"
About The Critical Engagements Over Bible Doctrine
- Church-Speak For Tear Down
Rip Out
Reinterpret God's Word -
About The Profit He Gleans
By His Church's Publicity Policy ...!

... Where Does He Speak About His Faith?!

Not Yet!

Just Be Quiet And Listen, Okay?!

If You Say So!
A Man Got Faith He Should Speak 'bout It!


What External Piety Does Not Speak About
Is His Leprosy!

Don't Ever Call That Word In My Presence Again!

You Should Have Seen Him!

Is His Skin Falling Off?!

How Many Digits Has He Lost?!

I'll Respond To Both Questions With One Answer:
No, And None!

Come On?!
What Kind Of Leprosy Is That?!

It Seems To Me That He Can't Do Anything Right!

Be Nice ... !

... Stop That! This Is Serious!

External Piety Is Covered
In Leprous White Spots Of Two Well- Known Types:
He Has These Hard Callouses In Both Of His Palms
Known As Presumptuous Self-Confidence! 
His Church Used To Be Mainline Fundamentalist Until ...!

... We Know!

... The Pastor Sold Out Jesus!

Did I Tell You This Story Before?!

But It Is Sprouting Up
All Over The Place! 

The Name Of Jesus Is Being Used
For Economic Convenience
For Financial Gain! 
Christians Are Making Shipwreck Of Faith!

I Don't Understand Any Of This! 

Why Is This Happening?! 
Why Now?! 

Signs Of The Time, My Brother! 
Signs Of The Time!

We Have Around Us 
- Astonishingly Arrayed -
A Convenient Christ
A Joke Jesus
A Grabbit God
A Special Effects Spirit
All Compliments Of The Big Goat! 
All Compliments Of The Fraud! 

I Don't Know About You
But I Love My Just Jesus
Thank  You Very Much! 

I Shall Continue Giving Glory
To The Gloriously Eternal God! 

I Agree!

I Shall Continue Pleading For
The Spirit Of The Holy God 
I Don't Want Anything To Do With
That Ecumenical Church
Many-Ways-To-The-Father God 
Straight From Satan The Bold Fraud!

It's Quite Amazing
Watching "Them" Pull It Off!
I Almost Feel Like John The Revelator
When He Saw The Whore Of Babylon!

I Hear That!

Common Good Is The Platter
Easy Conscience The Smooth Batter
With Which Wilful Disobedience Is Flattered!

Just Thinking About It 
Is Making Me Feel Knackered!

I Feel You, Man! 

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