
Monday, February 19, 2018

Consequences Of Choice!

Well ...

Only Jesus Christ Saves
I Hope That You Know That
Are Bound Up In Your Contrary Choice!

I Hope That You Know
That It Is Your Voice
That Made The Choice
It Is Your Own Personal Decision
Whether You Will Cry Or

I Guess So!
My Life!
My Voice!
My Choice!
Got A Problem With It?!

Not At All!
I'm Just Saying
Your Party!
Your Funeral!
Your Loss!
Your Gain!

If You Live A Lie And Die
In Jesus Christ's Presence
You Shall Mourn And Cry!

If You Live In The Heavenly Light
Keeping Jesus Christ In Your Sight
You Will Take The Then Immortal Saint's Flight
To Eternal Delights!

When You Play With The Devil!
You Ignore The Lord!
You Put Another On God's Throne
You Willingly Worship The Fraud!

Alright Already!
I Get You!
What Do You Want From ME!

I Want Nothing From You!
I'm Just A Messenger!
I Love You
I Can't Save You
I Did Not Die For You!

Jesus Christ Is The One Who Wants Your Heart
To Bow To His Will
Have You Walking Faithfully According To His Way!
It's No Biggie!

It Is A Big Deal!
Satan Is Well Pleased With This One
Because He Has Given Him A Notch Up In His Score!
Satan Is Well Satisfied
- All Things Being Current -
That This One 
Will Never Walk Through Heaven's Gate Door!

I Am Not A "This One!"
I Am A Person!

I Thought You Were Just A Number
A Notch
A Commodity
A Perk For The Devil
Who You Are Permitting To Deny You
Soul Salvation!

Satan Is Not Denying Me Anything!
I Live However I Feel Like!

Let's See:
Uncontrolled Temper!
Yielding To Temptation!
Telling Lies!
Worshipping Things!
Practicing Deceits!
Doubting Almighty God!
Bold Law Breaking!
Indulging In Known Cheats!

That Is All Wickedness!
And We All Know That Wickedness
Is Planned Sin
Aka Iniquity!

Not Good! Not Good! Not Good At All!

I Am My Own Man!
Do You Need Me To Repeat!

No, Not At All!
If You Don't Repent
Change Your Ways
You Will Soon Hear The Holy God Say:

Leave "Ephraim" Alone With His Idols ...!

... He Could End Up Like King Saul!

As He, Himself, Says
That Will Be His Personal Choice!


We Have Come Full Circle! 

Your Choice!
Your Voice!

Will You Cry?! 
Will You Rejoice?! 

See You Later!!

What Happened To King Saul?!
Who Is Ephraim?!

Glad You Asked!
Let's Talk About Disobedience ...!

... And Willful Waywardness ...!

... And Really Trusting The Living God!

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