
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

PRAYER : I Ask You, Lord, For My Blessing!

Lord Of The Faithful
God Of The Just
I Am Praying, Father
For I Want
Your Very Real Gift Of Life Everlasting
So I Must!

I Love You!
I Bless You!
I Honor You!
I Worship You, Lord, True
For I Desire To Live For You
Live In Bliss With You
When For Me
Eternity Comes, Too!

My Life Now Is A Vapor! 
My Beauty Fades
Like That Of The Flower Of A Grass! 

I Am As A Cut Grass
Tossed In The Furnace
And Consumed
By Heat's Hot Blast!

I Have No Desire
To Live Before You As One Offensive! 
I Have No Desire
To Be The One Profligate
Nor Profane
I Do Not Desire To Be The Soul Condemned
Who Will Be Cast Out From Before You
Into The Fire And Brimstone Lake
Eternal Shame!

Lift Me Up, Lord! 
I Am Pleading! 
Bear Me Up, Lord
I Am Calling Your Name!
Carry Me! 
My Will I Surrender! 
Bless Me To Do Your Will
So That I Will Forever
Be Called Beloved
Because With Faith
I Carried
And Lifted Up
Your Holy And Everlasting Great Name!

I Give You, Lord, Your Glory! 
I Give You, Lord, My Praise Unfeigned 
I Ask You For My Blessings
In The Matchless Name Of My Jesus
Your Beloved And Begotten Only Son
Who Is Soon To The Earth
Coming Again
This Time As Conquering King
His Faithful Ones To Claim!

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