
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sowers Reap A Harvest!

Everybody Has Unrealistic Expectations
For Marriage
Family, Work And Friends
But I Can Safely Say
- Without Fear Of Contradiction -
That My Expectations Concerning Christ Jesus
Will Never Comport 
With His Myriad Blessings Vouchsafe To Me
And Neither Will His Blessings
- Ever -
My Hopeful Soul Offend!

Wha' Loss!
Hear De Big Christ'an Talk!
Their Ain't Nobody Like She And She Jesus!

You Know
Every Since She Got Into That "Relationship"
You Would Think She Is Going To Get A Gold Crown!

Of THAT You Can Be Sure
MY Relationship With MY Jesus
Is Personal
And He Promised Me A New Name
A Personal Mansion In Glory
A Gold Harp
A Victor's Palm
And, Yes
A Real-Real Gold Crown!

How Special ...!

... And She Believes Him!

Hold It, Sarah!
You And Cora Had Better Stop Teasing Maylene!
She Is Very Serious About Her Lord
You Two Had Better Wake Up!

There's A Time And Place For Jesting
And This Is Not It!

Awww, Auntie Jen!
We Didn't Mean Anything By It! 

We Were Just Funning
Cause She's Such An Easy Target!

Now, Really!
That Is Just Being Unkind!

Gather Around!

Yes, Ma'am!

See What You Did?!
You're Always Getting Us In Trouble!

Settle Down!
Nobody Is In Trouble ... Yet
I Want To Tell You A Story
Then You Will Tell Me The Moral:

There Was Once A Boy Named Samuel
Who Loved The Lord!
He Was Young But Genuine In His Love
And He Walked With God In Accord!

Samuel Lived At God's Sanctuary
In A Town Called Shiloh
With The High Priest Called Eli
And His Two Very Wicked
Worthless Sons
Aka Sons Of Belial
Sons Of The Devil
Who Had Absolutely No Respect
For The Ways Of Truth And Goodness
Nor The Holy Things Of The Eternal God!

Almighty God Was Not Pleased
One Night
- This Was At a Time When A Word From God
To The Nation Was A Thing Rare - 
The Lord Did Something Wonderful
Spoke To Samuel
In His Very Ear!

The Voice Was So Near
That Samuel Thought It Was Old Eli Calling Him!

I Wish Almighty God Would Talk To Me Like That!

He Can
He Does
You Must Have A Heart
For The Things Of God
And Be Kind
And Obedient
And Truthful
And Faithful
Of A Willing Spirit!

Do You Remember When We Talked About
Like The Lord Jesus?!

Yes, Ma'am!

Was Jesus Ever Unkind
Or Malicious
Speaking Spiteful Words
To The People
Even Those Who Were Not Kind To Him
Or Who Were Not Even His Friends?!

Oh, No!

Jesus Had A Meek ...!

... Kind ...!

... Gentle And Loving Spirit!

Well, Samuel Was Just Like That
High Priest Eli's Sons
- Hophni And Phineas -
Treated The Things Of God
The People Of God
The Gifts Designated For God
As Unholy Things
As Things Common
As Things To Be Abused
As Things Dirty!

Oh, Dear!
But We Were Just Playing!

We Weren't Even Serious!

Those Very Words May Be Applied
To How Eli Raised Up His Sons!

Eli, The High Priest Of God
Wasn't Serious About His Leadership!
Eli Wasn't Firm In Disciplining His Sons
His Children
To The Things Of The Earth
From Him
From The Holy God
Ran Away!

They Wanted That Thing Called Fun!

Understand This:

People Don't Become Mean-Spirited
And Unkind
And Profligate
And Wicked

People Learn What They Live
Practicing A Bad Habit
It Not Being Corrected
Or Set Aside
Permits It To Become
A Practical Way To Live Life!

It Is Then That What You Should Rule, Rules You!

What You Plant

What You Harvest! 
What You Harvest
Shall Eat
May Almighty God Help You
If Your Eating
Is Not Sweet
Something That You Consider
For You To Eat
What You Call A Treat!

What Happened To Hophni And Phineas?!

I Want To Know What Happened To Samuel!

What Happened To Hophni And Phineas
Was Sad
It Was A Hard Lesson Learned For Their Father
Who Died The Very Same Day
That They Did!
They Died In Battle!

Hophni And Phineas's Untoward Behavior
Many A Faithful Soul From Worshipping
Before The Living God
In The Place Appointed!

As For Samuel
The Ever-Present
All-Seeing God 
Revealed To Him That He Was Bringing
An End To Eli And His Family
Because Eli Had Elevated His Sons Above
The Holy God!

As For Samuel 
He Became A Prophet Called Of God!
He Was Also A Priest!
He Was Also A Judge!

Samuel Was Faithful
Upright In The Holy God's Sight
He Was That Way Until He Died At A Ripe Old Age!

Eli's Family Indeed Ended!
His Daughter-In-Law Died 
Just After She Gave Birth To A Son!
Before She Died
She Called Him Ichabod
The Glory Had Departed!

Hophni And Phinea's Behavior
Had Resulted In The Ark Of God Being Stolen
By The Philistines!

Okay, Children!
What Can We Learn From This Story:

Evil Habits Grow!
Good Habits Grow!
All Habits Are Present Before The Lord
Just As Before Mortal Men They Show!

God Does Not Like Ugly!

Being Unrepentant Of Evil
Always Gets One Punished!

Doing Good Always Gets Rewarded!

The Living God Does Not Play Favorites!

The Things Of God Are Sacred!

Faith Matters!

Okay. Very Good!
Now ... Is There SOMETHING You Two NEED To Say
To A Certain Somebody?!

Yes, Ma'am!
Maylene, We're Sorry! 
What We Said And Did Was Neither Nice Nor Kind! 
Please Forgive Us!

We Promise That We Won't Treat You Like That Again ...!

... Tell Us Again About Your Relationship With Jesus!

I Want A Personal Mansion!

Do You Think Jesus Will Put Your Mansion Next To Mine?!

This IS So Cool!

Come On!
Tell Us More Stories Of Your ...!

... You Mean Our ...!

... Jesus!

Just Remember, Children ...

A Ship Without Moorings

Without An Anchor
In The Sea Of Change
In The Depths Of Decay
Will Assuredly
Be Lost!

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