
Saturday, February 24, 2018


I Am Blessed To Be A Christian
In Jesus Christ
I Am Free Indeed
I Do Not Have A Fickle Lord
Whose Character Is That Of 
The Wily Wicked Damned-For-All Eternity Fraud!

My Lord, The Christ
In Sacrificial Love
Chose To Save Me
Before I Was Born
My Salvation Is Not Just Salvation
For An Event Of One Day
Is Eternal Salvation
IF I Should Choose To Take It
To Get Me To The Heavenly Land
Where There Is Neither Night Nor Cares There!

Prior Present Knowledge Of My Lord Christ
Is A Great Necessity
IF I Should Make An Informed Decision
That I Shall His Servant Be!

Present Future Knowledge Of My Lord Christ
Is A Great Necessity
IF Against The Hell-Bound Rangers
I Shall Stand Firm In The Faith Of Christ Jesus
Sure Damnation Flee!

I, Of My Free Will
Have Accepted
The Lord Christ!

I Am Now Walking On The Narrow Way ...

My Lord Christ Has Made Provision
For Me To Be Cheered Along Life's Way
There Is A Company Of Witnesses In His Living Word
From Which I May Freely Draw Insight
Gain Understanding
On How To Avoid The Satanic Collision!

By These True-Hearted Witnesses I Am Encouraged ...

  • To Take All Things To My Lord In Prayer
  • To Never Trust My Carnal Eyesight
  • To Never Make Decisions Based On My Emotions
  • To Never In The Things Of This Earth To Find Delight
  • To Never Follow The Multitude To Do Evil
  • To Consider The Lillies How They Grow
  • To Repent With Alacrity Whe Convicted Of Sin
  • To Wrestle In Prayer With The Lord
  • To Pray For The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit
  • To Walk Holy As My Lord Christ So That God's Blessing On Me May Be Bestowed
  • To Bless Others In Need In Jesus' Name
  • To God's Children Daily Feed
  • To Bless God With The First Fruits Of My Increase
  • To Look Up Because The Lord Christ Is Coming Down
  • To Not Bow Before Idols Because Upon That The Holy God Frowns
  • To Test The Spirits Because Deceivers Abound
  • To Stand Up For Jesus Even Though Sense And Companions Don't Go Along
  • To Hope In Almighty God For He Is Strong
  • To Trust The Living God Whom I Can't See But Whom At All Times Sees Me As I Walk In The Throng
  • To Love The Lover Of My Soul
  • To Make The Eternal God's Heaven My Soul's Sole Goal
  • To Live The Life Of A Sojourner Here
  • To Stay In The Safe Sheep Fold Where There Is No Despair
  • To Tread Softly In The Sanctuary Of God
  • To Deny The Liar Profound
  • To Deny The Dainties Of The Fraud Who Wills In My Life To Be God
  • To Sigh And Cry Against The Abominations In The Land
  • To Reason With The Holy Lord God
  • To Lay My Burdens On The Living Lord
  • To Study The Scriptures For In Them Is Life
  • To Search In The Word For Hidden Treasure To Glean Nuggets Without Price From The Lord
  • To Hide The Word Of Truth And Life In My Heart So That I Won't Sin Again The Holy God
  • To Not Hold Converse With Satan That Known Despiser, Hater Of Christ The Lord

To Ever Always On A 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" In Confidence To Stand
That Behind Almighty God's Hedge Of Protection
I Am Safe And Free
The God Of Creation
The Savior
My Redeemer
My Hope
My Help
My Beginning
My End
My Forever Friend
Paid His Innocent Blood
My Sinful Soul To Cleanse
To Make Me Right With The Father
To Get Me The Victory Over Sin
To Journey Through Trial To His Home
To Arrive Safe At His Home
To Live The Immortal, Incorruptible Life
Life ... Without End!
I Am Blessed!


Oh, Lord Of Life,

My Only God

I Extend My Hand
To Accept Your Stretched Forth Hand
Beckoning To Me
A Wretch
A Fallen Man!

I Accept Your Offer Of Salvation

I Accept Your Mercy

Your Free-To-All Grace
I Accept Willingly
My Daily Share Of
The Holy Christ's Living Faith!

I Confess My Known Sin!

I Repent Of My Past Known-Wicked Deeds!

I Deny The Liar
I Reject His Offer Of Sin As Living-Life Speed!


I Acknowledge Your Dominion

Your Sovereign Will
Your Will For My Life!
Please ... Help Me In You To Be Still!

Please Pour Out Of Your Spirit Upon Me!

Help Me To Let The Holy Angels

Influence Me For Good
Help Me, My Father
To Prepare For Rain
So That The Decimating Flood
May Surely Be Withstood!

I Am But A Child, Lord!

Correct Me!

I Am But A Servant, Lord!
Direct Me!

Oh, Lord

Help To Live Right In Your Sight

So That
In The Hour Of My Trial
The Lord Christ
Shall Plead His Innocent Blood For Me
Against My Guilty Stain! 
Help Me Never The Holy Name To Profane!


Time Is Getting Short

Satan Is Raging! 
The Young Limes Are Falling Off The Tree
Wickedness Is Her Tambourine Shaking!


In The Name Of Jesus

I Beseech You
Protect Your People Against
The Wicked One
Who Wills To Be Lord Of The Earth! 
Protect Your People Through The Strife
That Will Have Us Walking
On The Sharpened Edge
The Butcher's Knife - You Promised!

Protect Our Minds
Seal Us - You Promised
Bless Us To Stand Victorious Though We Die
For We Know
Believe The Living Word
That Heaven At The Last 
Is Not 
Won't Be A Lie!
At Any Personal Cost To Us
Heaven Is Still Free - No Fee!

Grant Unto Us, Gracious Lord 

Strength For Our Journey To Sure Salvation

Courage To Walk The Way Of Faith
Bless Us With The Beauty Of Holiness
So That We Do Not Bring Disgrace
To Our God Eternal
Who Gives Us Of His Blessed Love
Dear Grace!

Help Us To Trust You

Where We Can't Trace You

Is Our Heart's Great Plea!
We Love You, Lord
We Ask These Few Blessings
Again And Always
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! 
Come Soon! 

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