
Saturday, February 3, 2018

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH:18 For 2018 BUT ... What Of Revelation 18?!

Now Is The Time
To Ask ...

Is The Living Holy Eternal Faithful God
Now Become
A Fickle Lying Deceitful Man Of Flesh?!

The Speaker Was Bold!
His Tone Confidential!
He Is A Former Protestant
Current Ecumenical Purveyor
Of Religious Equality
Announcing Himself A Prophet
Ordained By "God"
Declaring The Pope Of Rome His Hero
"Ordering" Down Fire From Heaven
"This Is The Time!"

18 For 18
Nine Fruit Of The Spirit
Nine Gifts Of The Spirit
The Outpouring Called 18 For 2018!

But ...

What Of Revelation 18 Of Bible King James?!
What Of Touch Not The Unclean Thing?!
What Of The Lord Jesus Christ Being Our Only King?!
What Of Almighty God Not Sharing His Glory 
  With Another Aka Man-As-God-On-Earth?!
What Of Thou Shalt Have No Other gods But The Eternal God?!
What Of Calling Sin What It Is?!
What Of Do Not Pray And Prey With Satan The Fraud?!
What Of, Specifically, 

What Of ...

Come Out From Among Them, My People!
Be Not Conformed To This World!
A Quiet And a Gentle Spirit
IS In Those Who Walk With Christ The Lord!
Come Out From Among Them, My People -
You Are Not Your Own!
Honor The God Of Creation
Who Did For Your Personal Sins
Did Atone!

Come Out From Among Them, My People!
Day Is Dying In The West!
Those Who Get To Walk Through The Gates Of Heaven
Are Those Who Keep
All Of The In-Stone Written
Finger-Pen Of The Living God Inscribed
Ten Commandments
Sealed Unchanging Unchangeable
Who Have Confessed
Repented Of All Known Sin
Have Been Enduringly Faithfully
Trustfully Obedient
In Their Walk With Jesus Christ The Lord!

Trust Not Feelings!
Trust Not Your Eyes!
Lean Not On The Arm Of Fallen Man
Satan Is Working Tirelessly
To Deceive You With Comfortable Lies!

The Only "Born This Way!" That Holds Water
Man Is Born In Sin
Man Is Shaped In Planned Sin i.e. Iniquity
The Only Out That Man Has
Is The Omniscient Omnipotent Omnipresent God
Who Gives Finite Man Ending Time
To Turn To His Maker
His Savior
His Redeemer
His One God
His Only True Friend
I Am Sorry!
Forgive Me!
Please Give Me
Your Life
And That Without End!

A Spiritual Revival
Is On The Table!
It Is Revival False
It Requires No Reformed Behavior
It Is By The Devil's Hand Made!
Man Gets To Keep His Flaws!
Man Gets To Keep Flaunting God's Laws!  

Satan Can't Save Himself
How Can He Help A man-god Save You?!
Man As God Is A Delusion
By That Wily Fiend
To Make Man Clean In His Own Eyes
So That Satan Can Indulge Obscene Laughter
As He Points As You!

The Saints Of God
Are Called To Be Wise As Serpents
Harmless as Doves
Walking Sedately
Before The God Of Love!

Be Instant Constant
Praying Without Ceasing!
To Christ Ever True
That "Bright Light"
To Earth Falling
By Wicked Men Doing The Calling
Is Guaranteed On Your Soul
To Place Eternal Soiling!

The Spirit In These "Holy" Men
Is The Spirit Appalling!

The Eye Is The Window Of The Soul!
If The Eye Be Dark
The Whole Body Is Dark
If Lucre Is Your Soap
Then Your "Righteous" Clothing Is Dirty
It Will Never Get Cleaned
By That Unholy Spirit-Soaking
Being Raised Up By Known Sin's Promoting!

Do You Know
- Really Know -
Jesus Christ
The One God
Holy Just And Ever True?!

If You Say You Do

A Known Proud Idol-Worshipper
Can Never
Will Never
Point You
Direct You
Lead You
To The Holy Living
Eternal God Of Creation
The True God
The Unbesmirched
Fourth Commandment!

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