
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Grasshoppers And Giants + PRAYER: Lead Me Gently Home, Father!

I Don't Know About You
The Problems Of This World
Seem To Take Me For A Grasshopper
Are Trying To Make Me Out To Be
A Grasshopper In My Own Eyes
Praise Jesus
I've Got Me That Little Ration Of
Daily Faith
I Don't Intend to Let
Any Lying Goliath
Turn Me Into A Faithless Disgrace!

I Believe The Word Of God

  • The Living Word IS Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword
  • The Living God IS The Same Yesterday Today AND Forever
  • All Who Go To The Eternal God MUST Believe That He IS AND That He IS A Rewarder Of Them That Diligently Seek Him
  • All Things Are Possible To Him Who Believes
  • Faith Without Works IS Dead
  • My Faith In Christ The Lord Will Make Me Whole
  • Almighty God's Grace Is Always Sufficient ... For Me
  • The Race Is Not To The Swift NOR The Battle To The Strong, And
  • He Who Endures To The End Shall Be ... Saved!


I'm Being Tempted

But Not Beyond Endurance! 
I'm Being Sorely Tested

But Your Grace Is Sufficient! 
I'm Being Severely Tried

In The Name Of Christ Jesus
I Will Never Your Being Deny!
I Beseech You Also, Father
In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
To Help Me Never Ever
My Love
My Worship
My Faith
My Service
To You
To Deny!

I Deny The Liar
His Workmen
Doubt And Despair
Impatience And Self-Will
Living Without Godly Fear!

Oh, Lord, 
My Father In Heaven
My Beginning
My End
Please, I Beseech You

- Who Is My Daily Support -
Against The Wiles Of The Devil
My Soul, Defend!

Forgive Me My Trespasses! 
Teach Me Your Ways! 
Correct My Wayward Walking! 
Remake Me So That
For My Own Sin
I Will Not Have To Pay!

I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb!
On The Rock Of My Salvation
I Humbly Stand!
Shelter Me Under Your Mighty Wings
I Am Your Child To Lead
Your Loyal Servant To Instruct!

I Give Unto You
Your Honor As My Heavenly Father! 
I Give Unto You
My Fear: You Are Almighty God!
I Accept Your Sovereignty
Over My Life
I Look Toward The Last Day

The Coming Of The Glorious King
No More Mortal Strife!

Lead Me Gently Home 
To The Haven Of Rest
Bless Me
In My Living
Your Holy Name Ever To Laud
Ever To Bless
I Desire Your Best Blessing!

Let Not The Hollow Giants Of This World
Be Anything Over Which I Shall Stress Myself

Grant Unto Me
Your Grace
Your Peace
Your Rest
So That At Your Holy Hand, Lord
I Shall Always
Be Royally Blessed
I Ask All In Faith
In The Glorious Name Of
The Holy Jesus!
I Love You, Lord! 

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