
Monday, March 12, 2018

JUDGMENT: No Man Can Hide ...!

When Almighty God Rained Down Judgement
On The Heathen
The People Of God Were Glad!! 

When Almighty God Rained Down Judgement On The Wicked
The People Of God Were Not Sad
For They Knew Of Themselves
That They, Themselves
Were Not Like Those Other People ... Bad
When Almighty God Rained Down Judgement
On The People Of God
Said People Became Sad
They Didn't Believe They Had Been Unwise And Bad
Protestingly Wondered
Why Their God, Holy
With Them
Was Not Glad!

It's Strange
That They Did Not Know
Could Not See
That Their Previously "White" Robes
Were Become A Gross Plaid!

Now, That, Brethren
Is Truly, Truly, Sad!

Motes And Beams!
They Could See Out
But Couldn't See Themselves!

You Done Know 
That Follow-Pattern Kill-Off Cadogan!
That Sand Flies Like Red Blood Man!
That Idolatry Is An Abomination
That Thievery Is No Cafeteria Food Plan!

Our Walking In Wisdom
Means Walking In The Light Of God's Word
Our Walking In M'Eye Light
That Gross Satan
The Most Pleasurable Delight!

Our Conforming To God Is Wisdom!
Conforming God To Us Is Waste!
Living For Jesus Christ Is Not Worldly Wisdom
Dying In Jesus
Gives Us In Heaven A Reserved Place!

Turning The Rock Of Wisdom
Into The Jewel Of Sin Is Folly ...!

... And Turning The Water Of Life
Into The Gin Of Sin
Marks One As Of The Foolish
Who Will Never Through The Gates Of Heaven
Have The Right To Walk In!

Let Me Tell You ...

When The People Of God
Choose To Walk In The Ways Of The World
In Their Walk With The Lord
You Can Rest Assured
That They Are Of The Clan Double-Minded
They Have No Peace Nor Rest In The Living God
Their Walking Is Actually With The Wily Willful Fraud!

The Straight Way Is Narrow ...!
... And The Broad Way Is Wide
Sin Is The Separating Line
Behind Which
No Man Can Hide!

This Is The Bottom Line ...

Take Truth In The Inward Parts!
Drink The Water Of Life! 
Eat The Bread Of Heaven
In Heavenly Joy And Peace
Peacefully Abide!

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Try Jesus For Joy!

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