
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

PRAYER: Draw Me Nearer, Lord!

I Am Think, Oh, Lord!
Draw Me Nearer!

I Cannot Doubt Your Word, Father!
I Cannot Doubt You!
Your Word Is A Transcript Of Your Character
That Is Wholly Holy
Giving Loving
Ever True!

I Must Walk With You, Father
And That
In One Accord
You Are The God Of Heaven
Who Provided Salvation To Me
In The Person Of Your Beloved Son
Jesus Christ The Lord!

I Must Love You, Father!
No Other Option Have I
You Show You Care
When You Answer My Every Prayer
And That Even When You Say 


It Is Never Ever Concealing A Lie!

I Must Worship You, Father!
There Is None Else Worthy!
You Are My Hope
My Help
My Home
Worshipping You Blesses My Heart
Even If I Worship You
By Myself ... Alone!

I Must Give You Praise, Father
Praise Is Comely Indeed
To Be Heaped Upon The Loving Faithful
Giving Sustaining Providing God
Who Every Moment
Every Day
My Body And My Soul
Does Feed!

I Am Your Child, Father
Your Servant
Your Hands
Your Feet
I Am Willing
About Your Myriad Blessings
Upon Your People
To Speak!

Help Me To Be A Faithful Witness
An Honest Servant
An Obedient Child
Willing To Accede To Your Will
Ever, Ever, Always
With The Heart Of Faith's Easy Ready Smile!

I Honor You, Father
By Your Grace
In Thought
In Word
In Deed
I Pray
In The Name Of My Jesus
That I May Never The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Ever Grieve!

May The Holy Angels Surround Me!
May They Ever Influence Me For Good!
May I Listen To The Still Small Voice
So That The Enemy Of Souls
Is Valiantly Withstood!

Help Me, I Beseech You
To Neither Lean Left Nor Right
But To Walk On The Straight And Narrow Way
As I Accept And Utilize Free Mercy
Daily Grace!

Help Me Not To Make Shipwreck Of My Faith!

I Love You, Lord!
Please Have Mercy And Bless
As You Remember The Holy People
Whom You Have Promised That
You Cannot Forget!
I Ask All In The Matchless Name Of
The Holy Jesus!

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