
Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Horrible" Christian Lyrics Robbed A "Christian" Man Of His Faith!?!

So What Did He Say?!

He Said That A Terrible Lyric
In A Worship Song
Drove Him Away From Christianity!

Come On!
A Song Can't Make You Lose Your Faith!

If You Say So!

Look At This!
This Is The Lyric He Found
Egregiously Offensive:

"Let Our Song
Be Like Sweet Incense
To Your Heart!"

What's Wrong With It?!

If He Hated That
I Guess He Also Hates:

Yeah, Though I Walk Through The Valley
Of The Shadow Of Death
I Will Fear No Evil For Thou Art With Me!
Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort Me!

Wait A Minute!
Don't You Realize That There Is More To This
Than His Hating The Lyric?!

If He Was Reading His Bible
He Would Have Recognized The Reference!

Our Faith Is Not In Christianity!
It Is In Christ Jesus
With Whom We Have The Widow's Mite Relationship
Who Has What
What Who Has
How Who Gives
Who Gives How!

Jesus Says:

Come Unto Me
All Ye Who Labor
Are Heavy Laden
And I
Will Give YOU Rest!

If Your Faith Rests
On A Denomination Building
Charismatic Pastor
Popularity Wealth
Rich Congregation Pipe Organ 
EXpensive Vestments
Song Lyric Hot Band 
Exotic Bass Guitarist
Singing Ability
Entertainment Possibilities
Camaraderie Canned Prayers
Confessional Booth
Which Can You Turn Away From The Holy Jesus
You Ain't Never Had No Relationship With Him
In The First Place!

We Are ...

Saved By Grace!
Saved By Faith!
Saved By Christ Jesus
Who On The Cross
Took Our Place!

In The Living Word
It Is Clearly Stated ...

Come Let Us Reason Together!
I AM Your God!
Believe Me When I Tell You Truth!
My Life For Your Life
Is What Will Save You!

The Prodigal Son
Wanted To Walk Wayward
So He Asked For His Future Gift
Spent His Promised Stable Future
On His Wishful Fluxxed Present
Ended Up Eating Pig Swill!

In The Day That He Realized
That The Father's House Was Home
He Pointed His Heart And His Feet
His Renewed Faith Walked With Him!
He Did Not Walk Alone
- In The Distance -
The Son
- That Same Prodigal -
Saw His Father Running His Way
In That Hour
- That Moment -
It Was As Though He Has Not Been Away!

There Was A Warm Embrace
A Kiss Of Love
To Break The Stony Heart
Turning It To Flesh!
A Bath To Wash Away The Dirt
The Stench Of Sin
To Make The Outward Clean!
A Ring To Designate Belonging
To The Royal House Firm Standing!
A Beautiful Robe
To Celebrate The Heart Anchored
The Lost Soul Returned Home
A Feast
With Singing And Rejoicing
To Announce To The Saved World
That A Sinner Lost
Has Entered Again The Safe Flock
To Roam!

Let Us Not Make Excuses
To Aid Our Walking In Rebellion's Way!
Let Us Not Make Excuses
For Why We Will Not Do What The Lord Says!
Let Us Not Make Excuses
For Pride
For Disobedience
In The Day Of Appointment
All That We Thought
- Unrepented Of -
Will Testify Against Us! 

There Will Be No Mercy Hook-Up!

Let Us Understand That ...

The Living God
Is Not The Author Of Confusion!
There Is No Variableness In Him!
There Is No Shadow Of Turning
There Is No Truth Turn-Back
No Setting The Seeking Soul
On The Rotting Limb Nigh To Breaking!

Please ...

Put Truth In Your Inward Parts!
Let Grace Be Your Guide!
Let The Word Of God
Your Way To The Heavenly Home
For It Is He Who Did
For Your Sins Did Atone!

Don't Permit Trivialities
Cost You Your Place
In Front Of Almighty God's Throne!

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