
Sunday, April 15, 2018

I Know That My Redeemer Liveth!! + PRAYER: Draw Us Nearer, Lord!

People Of God,
I Challenge You!
Do Not Charge God Foolishly With Your Mouth!
Those Who Will Live Godly Lives
Must Suffer Persecution!

Into Every Life
A Little Sorrow Will Come
Not Because Almighty God Cannot Shield
From Your Character
All Dross
Must Be Rooted Out!

Take For Your Example
Old Job
Him With The Faithless Wife
Him With The Fair Weather Friends
That This Godly Man
Without A Single Doubt
That Almighty God The Righteous One
Was In Total Control
So He Could Say:

I Know ...!

I Know
That My Redeemer Liveth!
I Know
That He Will Stand At The Latter Day
On This Earth!
I Know
That Worms
- After My Skin -
Shall Destroy This Body!
I Know
That With My Own Eyes
- Not The Eyes Of Another -
In My Own Flesh
I Shall See My God!

In Jesus' Faith
- The Faith For The Ages -
Old Job Said:

I Came Into This World With Nothing
It Is Certain
That I Will Take Nothing From This World
When I Am Come To Die!

Righteous Job Also Plainly Said
In Defense Of The Faith
Given To The Saints:

Though My God Slay Me
Yet Will I Trust Him!

The Living God Was Job's God!

So ...

In The Hour Of Your Sore Trial
When You Remember Old Job
Think Also Of Kind David
Who Was Also Sorely Oppressed
Having Been Bitten By His Own Pet "Dog"
Who Understood Life In All Its Facets
Who Plainly Stated:


There Is Nothing 
On This Dying Earth
That We Should Feel Satisfied
Or Well Pleased Over
All Beings On It
Not Purified By Christ
Under The Agency Of The Holy Spirit

All Things Perishable
Shall Be By Unquenchable Fire Consumed!
Nobody Can Put It Out!
That Fire Has To By Itself Burn Out!

Don't Conform!
Reform In The Image Of The Creator-Redeemer
Friend Savior Sustainer God Able!

Think Deeply About It  ...

Better Than

So, Brethren Beloved ...

If In Your Short Life
A Little Rain Must Fall
The Rose's Thorns
Your Finger Pricks
The Storms Of Life
Collapse Your On-Sand-Built House
Be Grateful
For The Unsettling Of Your Life
Now Lived By And With Complacency
That The God Of Your Salvation
Calls You 
- Known Child Of The Dust -
A Blessed Child Of His Heart's Own!
Don't Groan!
Accept The Gift Of The One
Who For Your Sin
Your Life
Did Sacrificially Atone!


Reform Us!
We Are All Out Of Shape!
Remake Us In Your Image
So That From Condemnation's Damnation
We Shall
In White Robes Of Christ's Righteousness

Conform Us, Lord
To Your Image!
Give Unto Us Hearts Of Flesh
Willing To Do Your Bidding
Never Gainsaying Your Wisdom
So That We May
By Right
Cross Over The Separating Line
Unto The Day
That Knows Not Night!

We Are Yours, Lord!
Draw Us Nearer!
We Are Yours, Lord!
Help Us To See You Clearer!
We Are Yours, Lord
Help Us Be Bold Gospel Sharers
So That In The Day Of Harvest
We Will Not Be Among
The Bright-Light Fearers!

Grant Us Your Peace
The Pleasure Of These Few Blessings
It Is In The Name
The Holy Jesus
In Heartfelt Prayer
That We Plead!
We Love You, Lord!
Come Soon!

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