
Sunday, April 29, 2018

LIVING KINGDOM: Converted Christians!?!

Every Converted Christian
Three Positions
In The Kingdom Of God
As Child Of God
Servant Of God
Citizen Of The Household Of God
We Should Be With Christ Of Like Mind!

Wait A Minute!
I'm Confused!
First ... Converted Christian?!
Isn't That An Oxymoron!?!

Actually ... No!
There Is A Biblical Precedent For That!

I'm All Ears!
Do Your Thing, Spray Can ... uh, ahhmm, Bert!

Jesus And Peter Had A Conversation
Jesus Made A Telling Remark
That Should Cause Shock
Give Pause
Encourage All Christians Called To Think
- Seriously Think -
About Our Hoped For Ascendancy
Unto The Great Reward!

WHAT ... Are You Talking About?!

Do You Remember ...
Feed My Sheep
Feed My Lambs
Feed My Sheep?!

Who Could Forget That?!
I Consider That Jesus Christ's Response
To Peter's Three Denials!

You Would Be Right
Peter Understood That!

How Long Did Peter And The Brethren
Walk With
Live With
Eat With
Sleep Together With
Work With The Lord?!

A Grand Total Of
Three And One Half Years
42 Months 
1260 Days!

Would You Call Garrulous Peter A Christian?!

Yes, Indeed I Would!
Peter Loved His Master!

Would You Call Peter
A Faithful Working Christian?!

Without A Doubt!

Would You Call Peter ...?!

... What You're Going To Say
Say Fast!
I've Got Far To Go!

Very Well!
Why Did Jesus Say To Peter:

... And When You're Converted
Strengthen Aka Help
The Brethren ...!

... When You're Converted!?!

Gracious ... !
... Merciful Powers ... !
... Lord, Help Us!

Peter, James And John
Went Every Where With
AND YETPeter Was Unconverted
Even Though
He Had Seen The Transfiguration Of His Master
Had Personally Heard The Voice Of Father God!

He'd Seen 
The Blind Given Sight
The Deaf Receive Hearing
Multiple Dead Raised To Life
Lepers Made Whole
Lame Made To Walk
Demoniacs Unchained
Captive Sinners Set Free
He, Himself
Was Unconverted!

He Was Still Following Self!
He Was Not Yet In Christ
Living Abundantly!

If He Was Close To Christ
Remained Unconverted
That Says Volumes About Us!


  • A Change Will Come ... If We Remain Faithful
  • Conversion Is A Progressive Work
  • The Converted Soul Is To Help Others
  • We Are Not To Walk In Pride
Denial Of The Lord
Is Waiting In The Shadows!
It's A Very Real Thing
Humility Of Spirit
Is A Blessed
Never A Shameful

So Much For Crying Lord, Lord!

No Wonder The Lord Said
That Crying His Name
Will Not Get One Into The Kingdom Of Heaven!

Look At These Contrasting Statements
Made Concerning Two Close Companions Of The Lord:

Being Unmoved By The Touch Of His Master
Judas Went Out ... And It Was Night!

Being Forgiven By The Look Of Compassion From His Master
Peter Went Out ... And Wept Bitterly!

I Get It! I Get It!
Judas Went Out Led By Self ...!

... And Betrayed The Lord ...!

... And Died In Darkness ... Lost!

But Peter ...

Peter Denied His Lord
Heard The Cock Crowing
Remembered Jesus' Warning
Looked Around At His Lord
Saw His Lord Looking At Him ...!

... And The Lord's Look Of Compassion
Broke Peter's Sinful Self ...!

... And Peter Went Out
And Cried Bitter Tears Of Confession And Repentance ...!

... And He Was ...!


Peter Became A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord!
Peter's Tears Broke The Back Of The Fraud!
Peter Was No More Brash
Became Mindful
Gentle Meek
He'd Done His Repentance In Sackcloth And Ashes
He Knew Of A Surety
That The Journey To Eternal Life
Is A Steady Striving Wearying Walk
Not A Brisk Energetic 100 Yard Dash!

You Should Tell That
To The Prosperity Preachers
Who Are In Race For The Believing Man's
Gifts Of Ready Cash!

May The Living God Forgive Them
Even Though They Know What They Are Doing!

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