
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

LOVE GIFT: Gas-Lighting: Adoration: Appreciation?!

When Someone Gives You
A Gift
Let Some Appreciation Show!
Do Not Be An Ingrate!
They Do Not Owe You Anything!
Your Gratitude Is Their Reward!
Let Them Know! 


She Was So Kind To Me!
I Am Getting Her A Gift To Say "Thanks!" 

Whoo Hoo! 

How Special!

... Give God A Gift, Too!

What Did You Say?! 

I Didn't Stutter! 
I Said You Should Give God A Gift, Too!
He Is Kind To You Every Moment Of 
Every Single Day!

We Give Gifts To Those Who Give Us Gifts
And They Give Us Gifts In Return
And Gifts Given Are Given
Time And Again
With Us Always Expecting 
A Package Bearing Our Names! 
What A Shame! 

There Is Problem With That! 

Actually ... 

It Is Quite Mercenary
For It Is Done With Intent! 
You Give To Get! 
You Live In The Land I-Expect!

Let's Raise Up Our Eyes A Bit!

Let's Think About God For A Minute! 

A Gift From Almighty God Is Not Owed For!
It Is Truly Free! 
That Gift Is Love ... Given
With No Hope Of Repayment
It Is A Blessing Received From The Eternal God
Given Graciously For Our Good
It Is He Who Created Us
It Is He Who Gives Us Our Necessary Food!

I Agree With You!
We Have Really Bad Attitudes!

If I May Be So Bold
It Is Just Like That Lady
Asking For Advice
That I Read About
Who Is Grossly Offended 
Because Her Husband
Twenty Times A Day
To Say To Her:

"I Love You!"


Though Their Relationship Is Considered
Good Cooperative Loving 
Giving Faithful Kindly Helpful
She is Concerned That
He May Be Gaslighting Her!

Let's Forget About Her! 
That's Exactly How We Think Of The Living God!

Wait A Minute!
What Is Gaslighting?!

The Five Dollar Interpretation Is:

Manipulating You Into Doubting Your Self
Your Sanity
Your Reality


Mind Control!

That Is Sick!
God's Love Cannot Ever Do That!

If You Really Want To Get Ridiculous
It Is Actually Man
Gaslighting God
Compliments The Benighted Manipulations Of
Satan The Fraud!

We Try To Remake God Into Our Fallen Image


We Take Almighty God's Gifts For Granted!
We Take The All-knowing God For Granted, Too!
We Take The Ever-Present God's Gifts As Our Due
Often Look At Him Askance
Why Is There Only One Gift?!
Only A Small One?!
Where Is The Big(ger)(gest) One?!
Why Is One Not Two And Three?! 

Gratitude Is Always Appreciated
Not Rumblings Of Discontent
About Gifts Not Good Enough 
Big Enough 
Costly Enough
Powerful Enough 
Fast Enough
Important Enough
Showy Enough!

We Need To Tell Our Jesus:

You Are Blessing Enough And More!
You Are Giving Enough!
I Have Some In Store
For Your Gifts Are Sure!
Please Keep Me Forever Safe
Inside Your House!
You Are The Key To Me!
I Am At Your Door!
Enter My Heart's Door! 

Because ...

If The Lord Had Not Of His Blessings Given Unto Us
Our Lives ... By Now
Will Have Been Truly Spent!

Let's Take A Moment To Say:

Thank You, Lord!
The Gift Is Appreciated!
The Multitudinous Gifts Are Appreciated!
You, Lord
Are Greatly Loved
Truly Appreciated!
I Appreciate Your Love!
I Love You!
Help Me To Love You More And More
Even If
No More Of Your Magnificent Gifts
Were For Me
In Store! 

I Am Grateful To You
For Thinking On Me
For Blessing Me With Your Bounty
For The Life To Me Given
That I've Often Carelessly Misspent!
I Love You!
I Give You, Me!
For My Ingratitude
I Sincerely Repent!

I Listening, Lord!
Please Help Me To Really Appreciate
As I Daily Labor
All That You Have Set Before Me
In The Here And Now
All That I Read About
In The Living Oracle Of Truth
That I Hope For
In The Fullness Of Time
Expect To Gloriously Experience
- The Ultimate In Gift-Receiving -
Home With You
In The Beautiful Land!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Pray And Humbly Plead!


Give Almighty God 
Some Love Now ... TODAY! 

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