
Sunday, April 22, 2018

THE BIBLE STUDY: The Inconvenient ... TRUTH!

With This Posting
By God's Amazing Grace
We Are Celebrating Arriving At

Saved By Faith!

Judged By Works!

You Will Not Be Saved In Your Sin!
Give Up The Curse!

So What Is The Perk?!

Freedom From Condemnation!

Escape From The Second Death!

Peace With The Creator Savior Redeemer
Blessing ... Forevermore!

Grace Is Free!
Mercy Is Free!

Free To Us All
Jesus Christ Paid The Fee!

The Love Of God Is Not A Lie!
To Save You And Me
Love Had To Die!

Preaching Of Truth Is Heard ... Easily!
Profession Of Faith Is Made ... Freely!

BUT ...

The Practice Of Righteousness Is ... A Whole Different Story!

Do You Believe God
Or The Man Carnal Lying To Thee?!

Gotta Live In The Word!
You Won't Be A Member Of The Goat Herd!

Live In The Truth!

You Will Surely Receive Eternal Youth!

Glimmer Of Hope 
Ray Of Light
Shall Be To The Repentant Soul
A Heavenly Delight! 

Peace Joy Rest
Love Hope
Grace Mercy
Are Gifts Of God 
To The Child Of The Dust!

Acceptance Is Optional!

Refusal Is A Person's Choice! 
For Entrance Into Heaven
Their Possession Is A Must! 

Live By Faith
Not By Sight
You Shall Only Enter Heaven
Because You Have Received By Working Faith 
The Right!

Don't Die!
Don't Make Jesus Cry!
He Is The Truth! Accept Him!
Don't Believe Satan's Ready Lies! 

Not By Might
Not By Power
By The Spirit Of God
Evil Will Cower!

The Word Of God Is Light!

The Light Of God Is Truth!
Truth Is Alive!
Don't Ever To That Reality Be Obtuse!

Choice Is Not Chance! 
Will Is Not Work! 
Self Is Not Sensible! 
The Eternal God Rules The Universe! 

Submit Yourself Unto God! 
Pray Without Ceasing! 
Acknowledge Sin Is Deathly Disease ...!

... Jesus Christ IS Cure!!

Resist The Devil Steadfastly!

Quote The Word - He Flees! 

Nice Talking To You!
Let's Ketchup!

I Got Hot Sauce!

Heavenly Bread Is Always Fresh!

Living Water Is Always Free!
Angels Will Keep Watch
Over Me And Over Thee! 


Everlasting Life Is Sure
When By Working Faith
We Wisely Walk Willingly
Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Is
The Way To Life
The Truth That Gives Life
The Light That Discloses Life
The Giver Of Eternal Life
The Open Door
Sin's Only Cure!

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