
Sunday, May 13, 2018

JESUS CHRIST: Was Doing, Did, Is Doing And Will Do!

Jesus Christ Is The Word Of God
Incarnate In The Realm Of Man!
Jesus Christ Was The Innocent Lamb
Unblemished In The Sight of Father God
The Atonement For Fallen Man!

Jesus Christ Came To Earth
The Perfect Example Was He! 
He Taught Men The Way! 
He Healed Them Everywhichway! 
He Fed Them! 
He Demonstrated Not With Sin To Play
He Gave His Disciples
A Template Of How Men Should Pray!

Jesus Christ Showed
How With Persecution To Interact! 
Jesus Christ Showed How With Betrayal To Act! 
Jesus Christ Gave A Way
To Keep Him In Memory
Jesus Christ Died
To Fulfill History In Advance
Bible Prophecy!

Jesus Christ Arose!
He Got Up From The Dead
He Returned To His Father In Heaven
No More To Take The Brunt Of The Pharisee Leaven
He Is At The Right Hand Of
The Father
Is Making Personal Intercession
For You And For Me
Will Come To Earth Again
To Take Home With Him
All Who Trusted
Loved And Worshiped
Honored And Obeyed
Accepted The Forgiveness Offered
Confessed And Repented Of Known Sin
By Faith Walked And Worked
Enduring ALL Things
The Good News
The Gospel Story!

Nobody But Jesus
Can Plead His Blood
For The Life Of Sinful Man!
Nobody By Jesus
Is The Mediator For Fallen Man!
Nobody But Jesus
Is Preparing For Man
A Heavenly Place
Nobody But Jesus
Is Now
In Heaven's Most Holy Place
Pleading With His Father
- Our Father -

This Is My Blood!
I Took Their Place
I Want Them To Be With Me
To Share With Me
In Your Presence
This Heaven
This Holy And Undefiled
Glorious Place!

Let's Not Make His Sacrifice For Us
A Lost Cause Case!

Tell Satan To Take Himself
To His Known Known-Damned Place!
Don't Be Like Him
A Failure
A Known Disgrace!
For The Win ... Run
I Beseech You
The Salvation Race!

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