
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

PRAYER: I Will Not Rob You, Lord!


I Desire To Do Right!
I Desire To Be Blessed
I Will Do All That You Ask
Through Grace 
In Faith
So That In Making Requests
For Your Favor, Lord
I May Always Be Bold!

Keep Me Humble, Lord!

You Have Said
Do Not Rob You
In Offerings And Tithes!

You Have Said
Freely I Have Received
Freely I Should Give! 

You Have Said
Prove You! 

Test You
To See What For Me You Will Do!

You Have Said
It Will Come Back To Me
Full Measure
Pressed Down
Shaken Together
Running Over!

You Have Said
When I Give
I Give To You, My God!

You Have Said
You Will Open The Windows Of Heaven
The Very Floodgates Of Blessing

Pour Out For Me, Personally
A Personal Blessing
That There Will Not Be Enough Room
To Receive It!

All That I Have Is From You

By Paying The Tenth Of My Increase
By Giving A Gift Of Offering Into Your Hand
I Am Returning Unto You
What Is Rightfully Yours!
Help Me Not Begrudge You Your Due!

I Believe You Are Faithful
That Your Word Is True
That My Temporal Prosperity
Is Tied Up In Fidelity To You
Since You Have Also Said
That The Righteous Are Never Forsaken
That Our Seed Will Not Beg For Bread
I Cast My Care
My Lot
Upon You, Lord

I Do That Without Fear!


You Have Promised To Fulfill
The Desire Of My Heart
When I Do That Which Pleases Your Heart!
Please Bless Me, I Beseech You
To Ever Do Your Will!
Please Bless Me With All Blessing

Let Not My Heart For You
Ever Be Lukewarm!
Let It Ever Be Hot
Doing That Which Will Tell The World
That You Are In The Blessing Business, Still
Faithful, Still!

I Will Pay Your Tithe, Lord
For It Proves That I Believe 

That You Are The Almighty God
That I Trust You At Your Good Word!

I Will Give To You My Freewill-Offering, Lord
For It Proves
That I Believe That You Are Good
That Your Gifts Are Real
That My Heart Is Grateful!

I Am Trusting You, Lord
For I Love You
I Know That You Are The God Of Love
The God Giving
The God Able
The Holy God Real
The Only God Not A Fable!

Thank You, Lord
For Your Blessings Upon Me!

Thank You For Hearing

Answering My Prayers So Readily!
Thank You For Provision
For Peace
For The Ability To Sing Praise

To Say Heartfelt Prayers!

Thank You For Your Gifts Of Life
Liberty And Consuming Love!

Thank You For Length Of Days!
Thank For Your Sacrifice
That Has Changed Tomorrow For Me
To Be An Eternity Without Sorrow!
I Am Grateful That You Are The Eternal Power!

Please Hear My Prayer, Lord

Remember Those
Who Do Not Yet Know The Benefits 

That Come Of Truly Knowing


Faithfully Following Thee!

In Jesus Christ's Name
I'm Calling, Father

For These Few Blessings

I Am Asking Also 
That I May Never Have So Much
That With You I Lose Touch
That All My Help
Comes From You

Almighty God
Faithful, Loving And Ever True!

Please Grant Me The Victory
Over Sin Death And Hell!

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