
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Pride And Forgiveness!?!

If God Were A Man
He Would Not Forgive Us Our Sins
He Is Not A Man
You, Me, We
Should Be Thankful For It!

Could You Imagine God
Forgiving Persons Like Chairman Mao
Mussolini  Hitler 
Idi Amin
Jezebel Athaliah
Diocletian And Nero
Herod The Great
The Duvalier's, The Marcos' ...!?!

God Forgave Nebuchadnezzar
Nebuchadnezzar Saw The Light Of Truth
Repented Of His Sins!

If Any Of Those Others Repented Of Their Sins
We Shall See Them In The Kingdom!

Saul-Paul Will Be There!

Yes, Yes!
I See Your Point
And It Says A Lot About Confession Of Sin
Repentance For Sin
The Grace, Mercy And Forgiveness Of God
Of A Surety
That Our Openness
Our Willingness To See God's Truth
To Understand Our Fallen Condition
To Accept The Character Of Christ
To Turn From Sin And Self
Are Seriously Important Things
In The Economy Of The Holy God!

A Meek And Humble Spirit
There Is No Law Against
Those Who Transgress The Law Of God
If Truly Penitent
They Do Not Need Before The Lord's Justice
To Grovel In Mud
Nor Dejected ... To Faint!

God's Knows Our Every Weakness!
He Knows Our Every Fear!
He Knows The Soul's Longing
Those Who Fall On His Free Mercy
He Will Never, Ever, Turn Away!

No Man Can Fool His Maker
Though, By Outward Appearance
He May Fool Man
Pretending That He Holds Lofty Ideals
While Living In The Shade Like A Royal Scamp!

Man Looks On The Outward Appearance
The Holy God Looks Upon The Deceitful Heart
Christian-Called May Utter 
The Platitudes Of The FraudBUT
That Will Not Get Him
A Seat
A Home
In The Eternal City Of God!

Never Follow A Multitude To Do Evil!
Never Think That God Is A Man!
Never Believe That You Can Hide From God
Just Because You Have Been On A Pilgrimage
To The Holy Land!

Oh, Dear!

Yes! Oh. Dear!
God Made You
Feeds And Sustains You!
God Knows The Thoughts And Intents Of Your Heart
If It Is Your Soul's Desire
To Live For Ever With Him
Don't Be Disobedient!
Don't Be Disloyal
For This Speaks Of Apostasy
Compliments Of The Known Apostate
Who Thinks So Highly Of Himself
That He Cannot
Will Not Say:

I've Sinned Against Thee! 
Forgive Me!
I Am Sorry!

And Has Placed Himself
Outside Of The Holy Spirit's Working
And, Instead
Having His Very Own Wicked Spirit
Is Bent On Causing Many Into Sin To Fall
So That Against The Holy God
He May Sarcastically Boast About It!

A Humble Spirit!?!

A Humble Spirit!

Confession ...!?! 

... And Repentance!
You've Got To Do It Your Self
Of Your Free Will! 

Jesus Will Not Force You To
Satan Can't Force You Not To!

It Is About You
Giving Over Your Self
And Your Will
And Your Sin
To Your Savior
The Eternal
The Blessing
The Available
The Justifying
The Sanctifying
The Glorifying God
Who Has Place Prepared For You
In His Everlasting Kingdom!

Okay! Okay!
I Can Do This!

Yes, You Can ... In Jesus Christ's Name!
Just Pray ...! 

... And Plod On!

Give It All To Jesus!


Pride Goes Before The Haughty Spirit
Before Said Spirit Does Fall
Even As That Spirit Seems
To Be Achieving His Goal!
God Has The Final Disposing
Vengeance Is His
His Alone
So Do Not Cherish Pride
Let It Not Against You
Be The Porridge Served Lumpy, Lumpy, And Stone Cold!

Okay! I WILL Do It!

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