
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Salvation ... In Miniature: Jesus Christ Loves Me And You!

I Saw A Little Caterpillar
Wiggly And Wooly Was He
- Maybe A She -
He Was Eating His Way Through Life
On Every Green And Leafy Tree!

One Day
It Seemed His Already Healthy Appetite
Became Insatiable
It Was As Though He Was Eating For Dear Life
As Blessed Sustenance Was Taken On Board!

A Change Was Coming!
Of Great Moment It Was!
A Change In Perspective
Inspired By The Glorious God Above
In Highest Heaven 
Where All Is Peace And Love!

How Very Straaange ...

To The Great "Minds" Around Him
His Action Is Foolish Indeed
He Was Knitting For Himself
- He Was Knitting Himself Into -
A Skin-Tight Body Glove!

All Those Around Him
Were Shocked To Behold
That Little Sinna The Caterpillar
Cover Up His Very Head! 
He Was In A Sarcophagus!
It Was A Move Quite Bold!

He Will Soon Be Dead!

All The Great Sages Said.

The Former Friends False
In The Village Futile
Spoke In Hushed
Yet Strangely Strident Tones
Telling All Who Would Listen

Be Wary!
Little Sinna's Been Beguiled!
Don't Get Tied Up!
That Is Not A Safe Life-Style!

From A Distance
They All Watched
Nobody Wanted To Be Tainted By Touch
Surely Not By Taste
Nobody Knew That Little Sinna
Was Experiencing
The Loving Living Omniscient God's
Unfailing Grace!

They Could Not See
That The Bread Of Life
Was Doing A Great Work
They Could Not Know That
In The Life Of Little Sinna
Unfailing Love
Had Begun The Good Work!

Time Passed!

Life In The Village Called Futile
Was Being Inaccurately Called

Many Of The Denizens Thereof
Were Joyfully Worshiping The Sun
The Moon And The Stars!
Some Had Taken To Roaring Round
In Fast Cars
Behaving Like Whirly Birds
None Seemed Even To Remember Little Sinna!

Until ...

One Glad Morning!

It Is Like This ...

One Glad Morning
When A New Day Was Coming O'er
The Latched Down Sarcophagus Of Little Sinna
The Caterpillar
Cracked Out
Like The Shot Of A Rifle
Nigh Unto A Buffalo Gun!

Those Close By
Took Off At A Run!

To Say That The Lowly
The High
The Lofty
Were Gobsmacked Aka Stunned
Would Be The Understatement Of The Day
The Year!
I Am Sure
Even The Very Century!

All Is Quiet
Out Of His Cocoon
- Truth Always Comes Out -
The Most Beautiful Butterfly
With Glimmering Wings
Displaying Not A Hint Of Death's Taint
But Showing

The Elevated Standard Of The Glorious One!

His Name
- Could Be A She -

The Son Had Done His Pleasant Work!
Saint Spread Gorgeous Wings
Beautiful Eyes Looked Around
Seeing Differently
Long Legs
- Purpose Made -
Were Steady
Willing To Stand Firm
On Even A Grass Blade
Whether In The Fierce Heat
Or In The Fair Shade!

Naysayers Cried Sorcery
Doubters Cried Foul

Saint's True Brethren Cried:


Give Almighty God Glory!
Deny The Liar His Fun!

Brethren, Beloved

The Life Cycle Of The Caterpillar
Unto A Butterfly

The Life Cycle Of The Repentant Sinner
Turned Saint!

There Is That Something Within Us
Answers The Call Of The Holy God!

The Living Word Heard
Triggers The Urge
When Voraciously
All We Want
Is Our Holy God!

Just As The Caterpillar Eats
Is Himself
So Are The Christ Followers
Wrapped Up In Our Lord
Separated From The Sins Of The Flesh
Absorbed Into The Truth
The Way
The Life Of
The Holy God!

In The Unseen Realm
At The Molecular
- Spiritual -
A New Creature
A New Life
In Christ
Under The Agency Of The Holy Spirit
Is Made!

The Old Man ... Dies
After Much Tribulation
- Where One Must Possess Their Soul -
The New Man
Emerges From The Crucible
The Cocoon!

No Man's Hand
May Help Him To Emerge!

By Faith
With Faithful Work
Until The Appointed Time
For The Son Light
In The Fullness Of The Eternal God's Time
Called Forth
- Changed -
On Eagle Wings
To Rise Up
With The Brethren
To Meet The King Of Glory
The King Of Creation

A New Member Of
The Family Of God!

Are You Willing?

Are You Rearing Up?
Are You Ready
For The Holy God
To Make YOU Anew?!

I Am Willing! 

Join Me! 
Let There Be
For The Holy God's Family
Members Many More
Than A Few!

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