
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Don't Ever Apologize For Speaking The Eternal God's Truth!

  • Never Apologize For Speaking The Truth!
  • Never Apologize For Speaking The Truth Of Almighty God's Living Word!
  • Never Apologize For Believing That The Word Of Almighty God Is True!
  • Never Apologize For Loving The Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Never Apologize For Serving The Lord Jesus Christ ... Faithfully!
  • Never Deny Truth To Keep A "Friend!"
  • Never Deny Truth To Avoid An Enemy!

We Are Called To Serve 
The Living God
In Spirit
In Truth!

If We Take The Edge Off The Truth
The Truth Becomes A Lie!
If Truth Is Lie
Then For What Purpose
Did Jesus Christ The Righteous Die?!

Since Truth Is Truth
Without Need Of Spin Color Or Polish
For What Purpose Do You
Can You
Would You
Satan's Known-Bold Lie We Nourish?!

I Implore You ...

Please Do Not Be Mean 
When You Speak The Truth

It Serves No Just Purpose!
Just Ask The Living God For Grace
Exercise Your Daily Faith
Let Truth
- Humbly Spoken -
Its True Landing Place!

Deliver The Message

Leave ... The Consequences
To The Eternal God!

Handle Your Business!
- No Anger!
- No Doubt!
- No Fear!
With Just Faith
Jesus Christ Already Took Care Of
Vile Satan
The Father Of Lies
That Wannabe God
Murdering Fraud!
Damnation Morning Is Fast Approaching!
That Will Be The Forever-End Of
His Destroying Mankind For Kicks, Day!

The Liar Needs A "Good Memory"
Which, Assuredly
Always, Always, Fails!

This Is Not So
The Truth Speaker
Who Holds
To Almighty God's Truth
The Known Holy Grail!

Lift Up Truth
Even As You Remember That
They Lifted Up The Son Of Man
The Son Of God
Our Savior Jesus The Christ
The Murder That The Vile One
To Be Committed
Could Not Destroy
The King Of Love
The God Of Creation
The Alpha
The Omega
The Beginning
The End
The One God
The God Eternal
The Lord Of Life
The Master Of The Universe
The One Who
The Life Of Strife!

Those Who Die In Christ
Shall Live With Christ!


The Free Grace Called Faith
Our Shield!
Wield The Shield!
Do Truth!
Do Not Ever, Ever, Ever
To The Liarman ... Yield!

Jesus Christ
Those For Whom
- With His Innocent Life -
He Willingly ... Paid!

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